John Tyler is Professor of Education, Economics, and Public Policy at Brown University. His research falls in the realm of impact evaluation in education, with recent research focusing on teacher evaluation issues and examinations of teachers' use of data to inform and improve classroom practice. Past research has been on dropout issues, the economic returns to the GED credential, the returns to skills for low educated individuals, and the impact of correctional education on the post-release labor market outcomes of criminal justice offenders. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the economics of education.
Tyler, John H. "If You Build it Will They Come? Teachers’ Online Use of Student Performance Data." Education Finance and Policy, vol. 8, no. 2, 2013, pp. 168-207. |
Taylor, Eric S, Tyler, John H. "The Effect of Evaluation on Teacher Performance." American Economic Review, vol. 102, no. 7, 2012, pp. 3628-3651. |
Kane, Thomas J., Taylor, Eric S., Tyler, John H., Wooten, Amy L. "Identifying Effective Classroom Practices Using Student Achievement Data." Journal of Human Resources, vol. 46, no. 3, 2011, pp. 587-613. |
Cho, R. M., Tyler, J. H. "Does Prison-Based Adult Basic Education Improve Postrelease Outcomes for Male Prisoners in Florida?." Crime & Delinquency, vol. 59, no. 7, 2010, pp. 975-1005. |
Tyler, John, Lofstrom, Magnus. "Is the GED an effective route to postsecondary education for school dropouts?." Economics of Education Review, vol. 29, no. 5, 2010, pp. 813-825. |
Tyler, John H, Taylor, Eric S, Kane, Thomas J, Wooten, Amy L. "Using Student Performance Data to Identify Effective Classroom Practices." American Economic Review, vol. 100, no. 2, 2010, pp. 256-260. |
John H. Tyler, None, Magnus Lofstrom, None. "Finishing High School: Alternative Pathways and Dropout Recovery." The Future of Children, vol. 19, no. 1, 2009, pp. 77-103. |
Tyler, John H., Vitanova, Svetla. "Does MSP Participation Increase the Supply of Math Teachers? Developing and Testing an Analytic Model." Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 83, no. 4, 2008, pp. 536-561. |
Tyler, John H. "Basic skills and the earnings of dropouts." Economics of Education Review, vol. 23, no. 3, 2004, pp. 221-235. |
Tyler, John H., Murnane, Richard J., Willett, John B. "The devil’s in the details: evidence from the GED on large effects of small differences in high stakes exams." Economics of Education Review, vol. 23, no. 4, 2004, pp. 339-349. |
Tyler, John H. 2012. "If You Build It Will They Come? Teachers' Online Use of Student Performance Data." Education Finance and Policy (accepted and forthcoming).
Taylor, Eric S. and John H. Tyler. 2012. "The Effect of Evaluation on Teacher Performance." American Economic Review (accepted and forthcoming, authors listed alphabetically.).
Kane, Thomas J., Eric S. Taylor, John H. Tyler, and Amy L. Wooten. (2011) "Evaluating Teacher Effectiveness." Education Next 11(3): Summer. (Authors listed alphabetically).
Kane, Thomas J., Eric S. Taylor, John H. Tyler, and Amy L. Wooten. 2011. "Identifying Effective Classroom Practice Using Student Achievement Data." Journal of Human Resources 46(3):587-613 (Authors listed alphabetically).
Tyler, John and Magnus Lofstrom. 2010. "Is the GED an Effective Route to Postsecondary Education for School Dropouts?" Economics of Education Review 29:813-825.
Tyler, John H., Eric S. Taylor, Thomas J. Kane, and Amy L. Wooten. 2010. "Using Student Performance Data to Identify Effective Teachers and Teaching Practices." American Economic Review 100:256-260.
Tyler, John H. and Magnus Lofstrom. 2009. "Finishing High School: Alternative Pathways and Dropout Recovery." Pp. 77-103 in America's High Schools, vol. 19, The Future of Children, edited by C. Rouse and J. Kemple. Princeton, NJ: Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and The Brookings Institution.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1998 | EdD | Harvard University |
1992 | MEd | University of Texas at Austin |
1972 | BS | Angelo State University |
ECON 1301 - Economics of Education I |
EDUC 0410B - Controversies in American Education Policy: A Multidisciplinary Approach |
EDUC 1110 - Introductory Statistics for Education Research and Policy Analysis |
EDUC 1130 - Economics of Education I |
EDUC 1150 - Education, the Economy and School Reform |
EDUC 2350 - Economic Analysis and Urban Education Policy |
EDUC 2350 - Economics of Education II |