Kenneth K. Wong is the Walter and Leonore Annenberg Chair for Education Policy at Brown. He has conducted extensive research in education policy and politics, federalism, policy innovation, outcome-based accountability, and governance redesign (including city and state takeover, management reform, and Title I school-wide reform). His research has received support from the National Science Foundation, the US Department of Education, the Social Science Research Council, the Spencer Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, the Broad Foundation, the British Council, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and the Rockefeller Foundation. He has advised the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Secretaries of Education and Interior, state legislature, governors, mayors, and the leadership in several large urban school systems on how to redesign the accountability framework. He is an elected fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration and a recipient of the Louis Brownlow Best Book Award at the National Academy of Public Administration.
Coral Flanagan, Kenneth Wong.
"The Administrative Presidency and PK-12 Education Policy: Student Rights and Oversight During the Trump and Biden Era." Public Administration Review, 2025.
Kenneth Wong.
"Public school systems can learn a lot from the Department of Defense Education Activity." Brown Center Brookings Institution, 2024.
Jaekyung Lee, Kenneth Wong.
Whole Child/Youth Development at the Center of Global Education Reform. Routledge Press, 2022.
Cohen, Pope, and Wong.
"Civic Education and Civic Capacity in Public Schools: The State of the Field and Directions for the Future." Peabody Journal of Education, 2021.
Wong, Kenneth K. "Education Policy Trump Style: The Administrative Presidency and Deference to States in ESSA Implementation." Publius: The Journal of Federalism, vol. 50, no. 3, 2020, pp. 423-445. |
Frank Thompson, Kenneth Wong, Barry Rabe.
Trump, the Administrative Presidency, and Federalism. Brookings Institution Press, 2020.
Wong, Knüpling, Kölling, and Chebenova.
Federalism and Education: Ongoing Challenges and Policy Strategies in Ten Countries. Information Age Publishing Inc, 2018.
Wong, Kenneth K. "Federal ESEA Waivers as Reform Leverage: Politics and Variation in State Implementation." Publius: The Journal of Federalism, vol. 45, no. 3, 2015, pp. 405-426. |
WONG, KENNETH K. "No Citizen Left Behind by MeiraLevinson. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2012. 400 pp. $29.95." Political Science Quarterly, vol. 128, no. 2, 2013, pp. 346-346. |
Wong, K. K. "Politics and Governance: Evolving Systems of School Accountability." Educational Policy, vol. 27, no. 2, 2013, pp. 410-421. |
Wong, Kenneth K. "The Design of the Rhode Island School Funding Formula: Developing New Strategies on Equity and Accountability." Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 88, no. 1, 2013, pp. 37-47. |
Gee, Kevin A., Wong, Kenneth K. "A cross national examination of inquiry and its relationship to student performance in science: Evidence from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006." International Journal of Educational Research, vol. 53, 2012, pp. 303-318. |
Wong, K. K. "Redesigning Urban Districts in the USA: Mayoral Accountability and the Diverse Provider Model." Educational Management Administration & Leadership, vol. 39, no. 4, 2011, pp. 486-500. |
WONG, KENNETH K. "Special Interest: Teachers Unions and America's Public Schools by Terry M. Moe." Political Science Quarterly, vol. 126, no. 4, 2011, pp. 687-688. |
Wong, K. K. "Toward Federalizing Education Policy?." Publius: The Journal of Federalism, vol. 40, no. 1, 2009, pp. 226-233. |
Wong, Kenneth K., Socha, Ted. "A Pilot Study to Identify Comparison Schools for Math and Science Partnership Participating Schools: Preliminary Findings on One Math/Science Partnership." Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 83, no. 4, 2008, pp. 654-673. |
Wong, Kenneth K. "Federalism Revised: The Promise and Challenge of the No Child Left Behind Act." Public Administration Review, vol. 68, 2008, pp. S175-S185. |
Wong, K., Sunderman, G. "Education Accountability as a Presidential Priority: No Child Left Behind and the Bush Presidency." Publius: The Journal of Federalism, vol. 37, no. 3, 2007, pp. 333-350. |
Wong, Kenneth K., Shen, Francis X. "Mayoral Leadership Matters: Lessons Learned From Mayoral Control of Large Urban School Systems." Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 82, no. 4, 2007, pp. 737-768. |
Wong, Kenneth K., Langevin, Warren E. "Policy Expansion of School Choice in the American States." Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 82, no. 2-3, 2007, pp. 440-472. |
Wong, Kenneth K. "Ten Thousand Democracies: Politics and Public Opinion in America's School Districts by Michael B. Berkman and Eric Plutzer." Political Science Quarterly, vol. 122, no. 1, 2007, pp. 154-156. |
Wong, Kenneth K. "The political dynamics of mayoral involvement in public education." National Civic Review, vol. 96, no. 1, 2007, pp. 20-29. |
WONG, KENNETH. "The Political Dynamics of Mayoral Engagement in Public Education." Harvard Educational Review, vol. 76, no. 2, 2006, pp. 164-177. |
Wong, Kenneth K., Nicotera, Anna C. "Brown v. Board of Education and the Coleman Report: Social Science Research and the Debate on Educational Equality." Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 79, no. 2, 2004, pp. 122-135. |
Wong, Kenneth K., Nicotera, Anna C. "Educational Quality and Policy Redesign: Reconsidering the NAR and Federal Title I Policy." Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 79, no. 1, 2004, pp. 87-104. |
Lee, J., Wong, K. K. "The Impact of Accountability on Racial and Socioeconomic Equity: Considering Both School Resources and Achievement Outcomes." American Educational Research Journal, vol. 41, no. 4, 2004, pp. 797-832. |
Wong, Kenneth K., Shen, Francis X. "Big City Mayors and School Governance Reform: The Case of School District Takeover." Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 78, no. 1, 2003, pp. 5-32. |
A political scientist by training, Kenneth Wong has conducted extensive research in urban school reform, mayoral involvement in education, charter schools, state finance and education policies, intergovernmental relations, and federal education policies (such as restructuring efforts in high poverty schools). His research projects have received support from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute for Education Sciences, and several foundations.
Kenneth Wong is leading multidisciplinary teams to address critical issues in education reform. First, with support from foundations and governmental agencies over the last several years, Wong has studied the design, implementation, and effects of mayoral-led urban school systems. Using both qualitative and quantitative research methods, this project provides the most comprehensive empirical analysis on the topic of mayoral involvement across the nation’s school systems. Second, Wong coordinates a team of faculty to provide leadership development for school leaders in a large urban district in China as well as several urban independent schools in India. Finally, with support from foundations and governmental funding, Wong has studied charter school effectiveness. While one project addresses the legislative context of charter reform, another uses the randomized field method to examine student academic gains over time.
2024-25 Principal Investigator, “The Next Phase in Central Falls School District: Building Evidence-based Capacity in Governance and Funding.” The Annenberg Institute, Brown University
2023-25 Principal Investigator, “Longitudinal Study of DoDEA’s Pre- and Post-Pandemic Organizational Development and Academic Performance.” U.S. Department of Defense – Department of Defense Education Activity
2023-26 Co-Principal Investigator, “Research Consortium on Education Policy and Development in Greater Bay Area, China.” Hong Kong Institute of Education Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2021-25 Principal Investigator, “An Evaluation of education initiatives in the Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra and Music School (RIPOMS).” Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra and Music School
2013-17 Principal Investigator, “Independent evaluation of Providence Talks,” City of Providence and the Bloomberg Philanthropies
2011-13 Principal Investigator, “An Evaluation of Rhode Island Charter School Performance,” funded by the Rhode Island Foundation
2019-20 Principal Investigator, “Strategic Planning for Expanding High Quality, Mixed Delivery Pre-K Program for Four Year-Olds in Rhode Island,” funded by the RI Department of Human Services and the RI Department of Health
2011-13 Principal Investigator, “A study on action civics: Implementation of the Generation Citizen initiative,” funded by the Spencer Foundation
2010-12 Principal Investigator, “Technical Assistance to Turnaround Implementation in Glenwood Leadership Academy, Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation,” funded by the Indiana Department of Education
2009-11 Co-Principal Investigator, “Politics of Implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,” funded by the William Casper Graustein Memorial Fund
2009-12 Principal Investigator, “Politics and Governance: Sustaining Effects of Mayoral Control in Urban Systems,” funded by the Smith Richardson Foundation
2009-13 Principal Investigator, “Partnership with Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation on leadership development,” funded by the EVSC and IN Department of Education
2009 Principal Investigator, “Developing a School Funding Formula in Rhode Island,” funded by the Rhode Island Foundation
2009 Principal Investigator, “The Status of Black Community in Rhode Island,” funded by the Rhode Island Foundation
2007-11 Principal Investigator, “An Evaluation of District-Wide Reform in Brockton Public Schools,” funded by the MA Department of Education
2007-10 Principal Investigator, “Broadening Internship Opportunities for Masters Students in the Urban Education Policy Program at Brown University,” funded by the Annenberg Foundation
2007-08 Principal Investigator, “Toward a Closer Alignment between High School and University Curricula: A Pilot Study on International Comparison in Students’ Study of Chemistry,” Research Seed Funding Award, Brown University
2007-10 Principal Investigator, “Academic Pathways for At-Risk Eighth Graders in Urban Districts, Rhode Island,” funded by the Rhode Island Foundation
2006-07 Principal Investigator, “A National Invitation Conference on the History and Policy of Education,” funded by the Spencer Foundation
2006-07 Principal Investigator, “Education Reform Forum: Developing a Roadmap of Collaboration in Providence,” funded by the Broad Foundation
2005-10 Principal Investigator, Brown Research Projects on Charter Schools and Educational Choice, Subcontract with the Vanderbilt Center on School Choice, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences
2004-09 Co-Principal Investigator, Math and Science Partnership Program Evaluation, National Science Foundation ($13 million of which Brown's subcontract is $3 million)
2004-05 Principal Investigator (Center Founding Director), "National Research Center on School Choice, Competition, and Student Achievement," a $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
2004-05 Co-Investigator, "Vanderbilt Predoctoral Research Training in Education Sciences," a $5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
2004-05 Principal Investigator, "The Tennessee Workforce Development System," funded by the Rockefeller Foundation
2004 Principal Investigator, "Charter Schools: Design and Implementation," funded by the Tennessee State Department of Education
2001-05 Principal Investigator, "School takeover and transformation by city and state government as a reform strategy," funded by the U.S. Department of Education through subcontract with the Laboratory for Student Success
2002-03 Principal Investigator, "The Impact of ICT on Learning: An International 2002 Conference on OECD Studies," funded by the National Science Foundation
2002-03 Principal Investigator, "Educational Reform in Japan," Fellowship for International Senior Scientists awarded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2001-02 Principal Investigator, "Supplemental Analyses of the Longitudinal Evaluation of School Change and Performance in the Title I Schools," funded by the U.S. Department of Education via a Contract with Westat
1999-01 Principal Investigator, "The Consequences of Accountability: The Effects of Integrated Governance on Instructional Practices in Chicago High Schools," funded by the Spencer Foundation
1997-01 Principal Investigator, "Integrated Governance as a Strategy to Improve Low-Performing High Schools," funded by the National Institute on Educational Governance, U.S. Department of Education
1997-98 Principal Investigator, "A Comparative Study of School Reform in Birmingham (UK) and Chicago," supported by the City of Birmingham, the Chicago Public Schools, British Council, University of Birmingham, and the Division of the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago (Leave of absence from teaching in the Fall and Winter Quarters)
1996-99 Principal Investigator, "Improving Within-School and School-Community Systemic Linkage for At-Risk Students," funded by the National Science Foundation
1996-97 Principal Investigator, "Enhancing Civics Literacy Through Mathematics Literacy," funded by the UCSMP Fund for Research in Mathematics Education, University of Chicago
1995-98 Principal Investigator, "Making System-wide Institutions Work for Teaching and Learning in the Chicago Public Schools," funded by the Joyce Foundation
1995-97 Principal Investigator, "Relation of State Education Reform to Instructional Practices and Student Outcomes: Implications on Narrowing the Learning Gap in Math," funded by the U.S. Department of Education
1995-96 Co-Principal Investigator, "Improving Mathematics Instruction for At-Risk Students," funded by the UCSMP Fund for Research in Mathematics Education, University of Chicago
1995-98 Principal Investigator, "Effects of School Reform on Educational Attainment of Students Considered to be At Risk," funded by the Mid-Atlantic Laboratory for Student Success at Temple University, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, US Department of Education
1994-95 Principal Investigator, "Prospects: Special Analysis on the Impact of Chapter 1 on Student Achievements," funded by the U.S. Department of Education
1994-96 Principal Investigator, "Systemwide Governance in the Chicago Public Schools: A Study Toward Institutional Redesign," funded by the Joyce Foundation and the Spencer Foundation
1993-95 Principal Investigator, "When Federal Chapter 1 Works to Improve Student Learning in the Inner-city Schools," funded by the National Center on Education in the Inner Cities, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, US Department of Education
1993-94 Principal Investigator, "Educational Equity and State Funding," funded by the Spencer Foundation
1992-93 Principal Investigator, "Linking Governance Reform to Schooling Opportunities for the Disadvantaged," funded by the Spencer Foundation and the Benton Center for Curriculum and Instruction
1991-92 Principal Investigator, "Linking Special-needs Pupils to the School Organization," funded by the Benton Center for Curriculum and Instruction, University of Chicago
1991-93 Co-Investigator, "The Changing Urban School System," funded by the Social Science Research Council
1990-91 Principal Investigator, "Effects of State Funding Strategies on Instructional and Curricular Opportunities for the disadvantaged," funded by the Benton Center for Curriculum and Instruction, University of Chicago, and by the Institute for Poverty Research, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
1989-90 Spencer Fellow, National Academy of Education Research Project, "Politics of State Share in Public School Financing in the U.S."
Year | Degree | Institution |
1983 | PhD | University of Chicago |
1980 | MA | University of Chicago |
1977 | BA | University of Chicago |
2021-present Elected Fellow, National Academy of Public Administration
2021-Recipient, Louis Brownlow Best Book Award, National Academy of Public Adminstration
2009-Recipient, David Colton Award for distinctive contribution to the development of the Politics of Education Association. This PEA award is given once every three years.
2007-Recipient, Deil Wright Best Paper Award, Federalism Section, American Political Science Association.
2005-present The Walter and Leonore Annenberg Chair for Education Policy
2004-05 Principal Investigator (Center Founding Director), "National Research Center on School Choice, Competition, and Student Achievement," a $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
2002-03 Principal Investigator, "Educational Reform in Japan," Fellowship for International Senior Scientists awarded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2002-04 President, Politics of Education Association
1989-90 Spencer Fellow, National Academy of Education Research Project, "Politics of State Share in Public School Financing in the U.S."
Name | Title |
Morgan, James | Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences, Professor of Linguistics |
Orr, Marion | Frederick Lippitt Professor of Public Policy, Professor of Political Science and Urban Studies |
American Political Science Association
American Educational Research Association
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
Politics of Education Association
EDUC 1265 - Comparative Education Systems: Governance and Policy |
EDUC 2330 - Urban Education Policy: System and Governance |
EDUC 2330 - Urban Politics and School Governance |
EDUC 2370 - Internship |
EDUC 2380 - Internship |
MPA 2160 - Management and Implementation in Public and Non-Profit Organizations |
PLCY 2160 - Management and Implementation in Public and Non-Profit Organizations |