1980-present Staff Physician and Medical Research Director, Fenway Community Health Center, Boston, MA
1981-present Attending Physician, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA
1984-present Courtesy Staff, Department of Medicine Roger Williams General Hospital, Providence, RI
1986-present Consulting and Attending Staff, Department of Medicine Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI
1983-present Consultant to the Massachusetts Department of Health, Division of Communicable and Venereal Diseases
1987-present Faculty Associate, Center for Gerontology and Health Care Research, Brown University
1988-present Medical Advisory Committee, Rhode Island Project AIDS
1990-present American Foundation for AIDS Research, Scientific Advisory Committee
1990-present Visiting Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Clinical Research Center
1991-present Member, Epidemiology and Technology Transfer Subcommittee of the AIDS Research Review Committee (Study Section), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
1991-present International Scientific Committee, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th International Conferences on the Prevention of Infection; (Nice, France 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998)
1991-present National Board, American Foundation for AIDS Research Chair, Treatment Information Services Subcommittee; Co-Chair: Clinical Research Committee.
1991-present Fellow, Wayland Collegium, Brown University
1991-present Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Brown University, Post-doctoral Training Program Faculty
1997-present Clinical Advisory Panel, Cost-Effectiveness of Preventing AIDS Complications (CEPAC), (NIH RO1: K. Freedberg, PI), Boston University School of Medicine/Harvard Medical School.
1998-present AIDS Committee, Infectious Disease Society of America; Steering Committee, HIV Medicine Association
2001 - Board of Directors, New England Chapter, American Academy of HIV Medicine.
2004-5 Planning Committee, 17th National HIV/AIDS Update Conference, American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR)
2005 Program Committee, Treatment and Management of HIV Infection in the United States, US Department of Veterans Affairs; Session Chair, Prevention Track.
2005 Science Program Committee, 1st National Conference of AIDS Society of India
2005 International Partnership for Microbicides Scientific Advisory Board
2005 Editorial Board, Journal of LGBT Health Research
2005 Health Action AIDS Advisory Board Executive Committee, Physicians for Human Rights
2005 Program Committee Member, Track C, Microbicides 2006 Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
2005 HIV/AIDS Prevention Science Working Group, Office of AIDS Research, NIH
2006 Biomedical Prevention Track Committee, 4th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, July 22-25, 2007, Sydney, Australia
1983-present Multiple annual lectures to undergraduates; first and second year Brown University Medical Students on:
1. Pharmacology and Mechanisms of Action of Antibiotics
2. Antibiotic Resistance
3. Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestations, and Treatment of HIV/AIDS
1987-present Doctoral thesis advisor and committee member for six graduate students in either Community Health (Brown), or Epidemiology or Immunology and Infectious Disease (Harvard School of Public Health)
1991-present Director: Medical Student Senior Seminar: Lessons of AIDS, Brown University
1992-present Faculty for University of Rhode Island's Virology course, lecture on "HIV/AIDS"
1980 American Federation for Clinical Research
American College of Physicians (Fellow, 1985)
American Society for Microbiology
American Public Health Association
1983 Association for Practitioners in Infection Control
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Venereal Disease Association
1985 Infectious Disease Society of America; AIDS Committee Member (1993-present)
Society for Epidemiological Research
1988 International AIDS Society (IAS)
International Society for Infectious Diseases
1990 International Academy of Sex Research
1991 Society for Hospital Epidemiology
1992 Immunocompromised Host Society
Society of Hospital Epidemiologists of America; AIDS/TB Committee (1993-1996)