Selected Print and Online publications, since 2000:
“The Roman Revolution and the Garibaldi Panorama,” in: David I. Kertzer (Ed.), Nicholas Brown and the Roman Republic (a project of the Brown Digital Publications Initiative, 2023)
“Simulating Reality: An Experiment at Brown University,” co-authored with Fulvio Domini, Special Issue: The Italianist, Volume 42, 2022, issue 3, Italian Studies and Digital Interdisciplinarity DOI: 10.1080/02614340.2022.2223855.
“Il Decameron Web vent'anni dopo: bilanci e prospettive,” Griseldaonline. Rivista di Letteratura, 2022, with Michael Papio. []
Shadow Plays. Virtual Realities in an Analogue World, (Stanford University Press, 2022).
Co-editor (with Alberto Zotti Minici and Massimiliano Pinucci) Time Machine. Virtual Photographic Trips Around the World 100 Years Ago, Florence: MBVision, December 2018. Catalog of the exhibition held in the Sale della Fotografia, Palazzo Angeli, Padua, co-sponsored by the Virtual Humanities Lab, December 2018-March 2019.
“Mini-Grand Tour, in 3D,” introduction to: Time Machine, 12-19.
“Il Panorama Garibaldi. Publishing and Dissemination.” Preface, Catalog of the exhibit: Icone Politiche. Celebrità e Nuovi Media al Tempo del Risorgimento co-sponsored by the Virtual Humanities Lab, Mantua, February-March, 2018, 7.
“The Past at our Fingertips: Some Remarks on Virtual Realism and the Historical Heritage,” in: Explorations in Media Ecology, Volume 17 Number 3 (2018), 279-285.
“Transmedia Storytelling and other Challenges and Opportunities for the Digital Humanities,” co-authored with Alessandro Carpin, in Transmedia e co-creazione, ed. by Domenico Morreale, Rome: Aracne, 2018, 39-52 (article also published online in DigitCult. Scientific Journal of Digital Cultures, and selected for this print publication).
“The Garibaldi Panorama & the Risorgimento Archive at Brown University,” co-authored with Valeria Federici, NeMLA Italian Studies, Special Issue: “The Italian Digital Classroom,” eds. T. Convertini and S. Wright, Volume xxxix, 2017, 84-99.
“Pico e il Post-Umanesimo: Attualità e Inattualità di un Pensiero Vivente,” in: Pico tra Cultura e Letteratura dell’Umanesimo, ed. Giacomo Ventura, Bologna: Alma Mater Studiorum, 2018, 65-70. "An Emerging Scholarly Form: the Digital Monograph." DigitCult. Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures. Vol. 2 No. 3 (2017)
"Boccaccio, Beyond the Text." The Cambridge Companion to Boccaccio, G. Armstrong, R. Daniels and S. Milner eds., Cambridge: Cambridge Un. Press, 2015, 219-234
"Change of Paradigm: From Individual to Community-Based Scholarship," in Humanist Studies & the Digital Age, vol. 4, n. 1 (2015), special issue: "Lector in Rete: Figures of the Reader in Digital Humanities" (video essay and 1307 words: abstract)
"Giacomo Casanova." The Literary Encyclopedia, ed. Jo Ann Cavallo, (3514 words entry)
"Spettacolo, Informazione, Propaganda nel Panorama Garibaldi della Brown University," in Il lungo Ottocento e le sue Immagini. Politica, media, spettacolo, eds. Vinzia Fiorino, Gian Luca, Fruci and Alessio Petrizzo, Pisa: ETS, 2013, 53-66.
"Liquid/Cloudy/Foggy: For a Critique of Fluid Textuality,"Humanist Studies & the Digital Age, Vol. 2, n. 1, 2012,
Pinocchio Digitale: Postumanesimo e Iper-romanzo, Milan: Franco Angeli, 2012, 170 p.
Ed. Renato Poggioli: an intellectual biography, Florence: Olschki, 2012, 277 p. (co-edited with Roberto Ludovico and Lino Pertile)
Ed. Pico della Mirandola, Oration on the Dignity of Man. A New Translation and Commentary , Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 308 p. (co-edited with Francesco Borghesi and Michael Papio)
"Beyond the Mechanical Body: Digital Pinocchio," chapter 10 of Pinocchio, Puppets and Modernity: The Mechanical Body, edited by Katia Pizzi, London: Blackwell, 2011, pp. 201-214
Il futuro della letteratura. L'opera d'arte letteraria nell'epoca della sua riproducibilità digitale, Naples: ScriptaWeb, 2011. E-book and print, 304 p.
"La storia a colpo d'occhio: Panorami di guerra nell'epoca risorgimentale," in: Teatri di guerra: rappresentazioni e discorsi tra età moderna ed età contemporanea , ed. by Angela De Benedictis, Bologna, Italy: Bononia University Press, 2010, 295-316
"Crisis and Clouds. New Frontiers for the Creative Industries," in: REM. Research on Education and Media , Vol. 2, n. 2, December 2010
"Toward Experimental Scholarly Modes in the Humanities," in: Using New Technologies to Explore Cultural Heritage , National Endowment for the Humanities/ Italian National Council for Research, 2009, 117-128.
"The Decameron Web: Ten Years Later," in: Teaching Foreign Languages and Literatures Online , The Modern Language Association, New York: 2009, 343-357
"Dignità ed enigmi del postumano," Annali di Italianistica , volume 26, 2008, Humanisms, Posthumanisms & Neohumanisms, 333-352.
"Garbuglio," in: Pocket Gadda Encyclopedia , 2008,
"Dal racconto al gioco (e viceversa): modelli per una letteratura digitale tra Collodi e Calvino," in: Italo Calvino y la Cultura de Italia , Proceedings of the Jornadas Internacionales de Estudios Italianos 19-23 septiembre, 2005, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Mexico, in Mexico City, 2007, 145-155
"Nuova prosa e nuove tecnologie, ovvero: Cronaca di un lungo decennio (1993-2006)." In: Nuova Prosa. Quadrimestrale di Narrativa , 44, 2006, 81-110.
"Digital Pinocchio: the Literary Text as Artificial Life Form," in: New Approaches to Teaching Pinocchio and Its Adaptations , Michael Sherberg (ed.), New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2006, 144-152
"Per una comunità della formazione letteraria: il WWW e la nuova italianistica," in: Letterature, Biblioteche, Ipertesti , ed. by F. Pellizzi, Roma: Carocci, 2005, 41-64
Ed. Italian Tales. An Anthology of Contemporary Italian Fiction . New Haven, Ct.: Yale University Press, 2004, 260 p. [Selected reviews: Times Literary Supplement, Virginia Quarterly Review, New York Sun, Books on Fire, Il riformista, Il Messaggero, La Gazzetta del Sud, ANSA New York , Radio Città del Capo (interviews), Annali d'Italianistica.]
"The Arrows of the Mind: Calvino, Arakawa and the hyper-novel," in: E-Literature in E-Publishing , ed. P. Carbone, Milan: Mimesis, 2004 99-122.
"Christmas Carol," a short story, in: Il fior fiore di Zibaldoni e altre meraviglie , Galatina: Santoro, 2004, 129-148
"Vico e il mostro civile," in: Bollettino del Centro di Studi Vichiani , anno XXX, 2003, 119-132
"Therapy in the Garden: G. Boccaccio's Purgatorial Eden," in: R. Psaki, ed., The Earthly Paradise. The Garden of Eden from Antiquity to Modernity , International Studies in Formative Christianity and Judaism, Global Publications, Binghamton University, 2002, 115-148
"Le frecce della mente: Italo Calvino e l'iper-romanzo," in: Italo Calvino e la reinvenzione della letteratura , ed. Anna Botta and Domenico Scarpa, Rome: Avagliano, 2002, 117-145
Malinconie del Moderno. Disagio della nazionalità e critica dell'incivilimento nella letteratura italiana del XIX secolo , Ravenna: Longo, 2001, 178 p.
"Per Speculum Melancholiae: the Awakening of Reason Engenders Monsters," in: Monsters in the Italian Literary Imagination , ed. Keala Jewell, Wayne State University Press, 2001, 279-296
"Boccaccio Online: Teaching the Decameron as Hypertext at Brown University," in: New Approaches to G. Boccaccio's Decameron , ed. J. Mc Gregor, Modern Language Association series on New Approaches to Classical Texts, 2000, 172-182
"Beginning/Ending/Openness/Consistency. Models for the Hyper-Novel," in Annali di Italianistica , 18, 2000, 109-132
"Heros/Heleos: l'ambivalente terapia del mal d'amore nel libro chiamato Decameron, cognominato prencipe Galeotto," in: Italian Quarterly , XXXVI, 2000, 69-106