Our research mission is to discover new biomedical knowledge and to apply basic science insights to advance therapeutic strategies. The department consists of 15 full-time on-campus faculty members and 70 graduate students.


MPPB faculty offer extensive experience in biotechnology and in the biomedical device industry, with research interests spanning from molecules to cells, tissues to organs to whole organisms.

Grounded in a base of chemistry, physics, math, and biology, MPPB is a basic-science department within Brown Alpert Medical School, and a full participant in the undergraduate-based Program in Biology within the Division of Biology and Medicine.

Within the Medical School, the department's educational mission is to provide medical students and MD/PhD candidates with a solid foundation in basic science and to help prepare them for a lifetime of learning and problem solving.

MPPB supports graduate and postdoctoral education by providing a highly interdisciplinary framework for individual and thematic training programs both classical and newly emerging. Brown also provides state-of-the-art equipment and resources through its Shared Resource Facilities.

Areas of study include molecular and structural pharmacology; signal transduction; drug design; neuropharmacology and neurophysiology; molecular and cellular basis for drug addiction; macromolecular structure; cellular, comparative, and organ systems physiology; biomaterials; novel drug delivery modalities; organ replacement, tissue engineering, gene therapy, and regenerative medicine.


Faculty Positions

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Agarwal, Kailash CProfessor Emeritus of Medical Science (Research)

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Chu, Shih-HsiProfessor Emeritus of Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology and Biotechnology (Research)

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Hai, Chi-MingProfessor Emeritus of Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology and Biotechnology

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Marsh, Donald JProfessor Emeritus of Medical Science

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Marsh, Donald JDean Emeritus of Medicine and Biological Sciences

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Marsh, Donald JFrank L. Day Professor Emeritus of Biology

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Vandenburgh, Herman HProfessor Emeritus of Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology and Biotechnology