Born 1958, in Chambersburg, PA; educated at the University of Pennsylvania, A.B. (1980, the University of Edinburgh (Exchange student), and Yale University (M.Phil., 1983, Ph. D., 1987). Prior to Brown served as Jesse Knight University Professor at Brigham Young University. Father of two, spouse Nancy Dayton Houston.
Garrison, Thomas G., Houston, Stephen D., Scherer, Andrew K., del Cid, David, Garrido López, Jose Luis, Czapiewska-Halliday, Ewa, Román, Edwin. "A royal Maya country house: Archaeology at Bejucal, Guatemala." Journal of Field Archaeology, vol. 41, no. 5, 2016, pp. 532-549. |
Law, Danny, Robertson, John, Houston, Stephen, Zender, Marc, Stuart, David. "AREAL SHIFTS IN CLASSIC MAYAN PHONOLOGY." Ancient Mesoamerica, vol. 25, no. 02, 2014, pp. 357-366. |
Law, Danny, Houston, Stephen, Carter, Nicholas, Zender, Marc, Stuart, David. "Reading in Context: The Interpretation of Personal Reference in Ancient Maya Hieroglyphic Texts." Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, vol. 23, no. 2, 2013, pp. E23-E47. |
Houston, Stephen. "The Good Prince: Transition, Texting and Moral Narrative in the Murals of Bonampak, Chiapas, Mexico." Cambridge Archaeological Journal, vol. 22, no. 02, 2012, pp. 153-175. |
Doyle, James A., Garrison, Thomas G., Houston, Stephen D. "Watchful realms: integrating GIS analysis and political history in the southern Maya lowlands." Antiquity, vol. 86, no. 333, 2012, pp. 792-807. |
Beach, Timothy, Luzzadder-Beach, Sheryl, Terry, Richard, Dunning, Nicholas, Houston, Stephen, Garrison, Thomas. "Carbon isotopic ratios of wetland and terrace soil sequences in the Maya Lowlands of Belize and Guatemala." CATENA, vol. 85, no. 2, 2011, pp. 109-118. |
Garrison, Thomas G., Chapman, Bruce, Houston, Stephen, Román, Edwin, Garrido López, Jose Luis. "Discovering ancient Maya settlements using airborne radar elevation data." Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 38, no. 7, 2011, pp. 1655-1662. |
Houston, Stephen. "A Splendid Predicament: Young Men in Classic Maya Society." Cambridge Archaeological Journal, vol. 19, no. 02, 2009, pp. 149. |
HOUSTON, STEPHEN. "The Singing of the New World: Indigenous Voice in the Era of European Contact by Gary Tomlinson." American Ethnologist, vol. 36, no. 2, 2009, pp. 434-436. |
Garrison, Thomas G., Houston, Stephen D., Golden, Charles, Inomata, Takeshi, Nelson, Zachary, Munson, Jessica. "Evaluating the use of IKONOS satellite imagery in lowland Maya settlement archaeology." Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 35, no. 10, 2008, pp. 2770-2777. |
Houston, S. D. "ANTHROPOLOGY: An Example of Preclassic Mayan Writing?." Science, vol. 311, no. 5765, 2006, pp. 1249-1250. |
Neff, Hector, Blomster, Jeffrey, Glascock, Michael D., Bishop, Ronald L., Blackman, M. James, Coe, Michael D., Cowgill, George L., Diehl, Richard A., Houston, Stephen, Joyce, Arthur A., Lipo, Carl P., Stark, Barbara L., Winter, Marcus. "Methodological Issues in the Provenance Investigation of Early Formative Mesoamerican Ceramics." Latin American Antiquity, vol. 17, no. 1, 2006, pp. 54. |
del Carmen Rodriguez Martinez, Ma., Ceballos, P. O., Coe, M. D., Diehl, R. A., Houston, S. D., Taube, K. A., Calderon, A. D. "Oldest Writing in the New World." Science, vol. 313, no. 5793, 2006, pp. 1610-1614. |
Neff, Hector, Blomster, Jeffrey, Glascock, Michael D., Bishop, Ronald L., Blackman, M. James, Coe, Michael D., Cowgill, George L., Cyphers, Ann, Diehl, Richard A., Houston, Stephen, Joyce, Arthur A., Lipo, Carl P., Winter, Marcus. "Smokescreens in the Provenance Investigation of Early Formative Mesoamerican Ceramics." Latin American Antiquity, vol. 17, no. 1, 2006, pp. 104. |
Law, Danny, Robertson, John, Houston, Stephen. "Split Ergativity in the History of the Ch’olan Branch of the Mayan Language Family." International Journal of American Linguistics, vol. 72, no. 4, 2006, pp. 415-450. |
Houston, Stephen D. "The Archaeology of Communication Technologies." Annu. Rev. Anthropol., vol. 33, no. 1, 2004, pp. 223-250. |
Houston, S. "Une histoire de la religion des Mayas: Du pantheisme au pantheon." Ethnohistory, vol. 51, no. 2, 2004, pp. 445-448. |
Clark, John E., Houston, Stephen D. "Craft Specialization, Gender, and Personhood among the Postconquest Maya of Yucatan, Mexico." Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, vol. 8, no. 1, 1998, pp. 31-46. |
Houston, Stephen. "Quirigua: A Classic Maya Center and Its Sculptures." The Latin American Anthropology Review, vol. 4, no. 1, 1992, pp. 38-39. |
Fowler, William R., Houston, Stephen D. "Excavations at Tikal, Guatemala: The Work of William R. Coe." The Latin American Anthropology Review, vol. 3, no. 2, 1991, pp. 61-63. |
74. In press. The Small Deaths of Maya Writing. In The Disappearance of Writing Systems, eds. John Baines, John Bennett, and Stephen Houston. London: Equinox.
75. In press. Una pirámide de primera: Investigaciones en la estructura K-5 y sus alrededores, Piedras
44. In press. In the Pool of the Rain Gods: An Early Stuccoed Altar at Aguacatal, Campeche, Mexico. (Stephen Houston, Karl Taube, Ray Matheny, Deanne Matheny, Zachary Nelson, Gene Ware, Cassandra Mesick) Mesoamerican Voices 2.
45. In press. Methodological Issues in the Provenance Investigation of Early Formative Mesoamerican Ceramics. (H. Neff, J. Blomster, M. Glascock, R. Bishop, M. J. Blackman, M. D. Coe, G. Cowgill,
47. In press. Split Ergativity in the History of the Ch'olan Branch of the Mayan Language Family. (Danny Law, John Robertson, and Stephen Houston) International Journal of American Linguistics 72.
in press The Memory of Bones: Body, Being, and Experience among the Classic Maya (Stephen
in press The Disappearance of Writing Systems, eds. John Baines, John Bennett, and Stephen Houston. London: Equinox.
46. In press. Lengua y sociedad en la época clásica de Guatemala. Anales de la Academia de Historia y Geografía 73.
76. In press. Meaning in Early Maya Imagery. (Stephen Houston and Karl Taube). In Iconography Without Texts, ed. Paul Taylor. London: Warburg Institute.
73. In press. Impersonation, Dance, and the Problem of Spectacle among the Classic Maya. In The Archaeology of Spectacle, eds. Lawrence Coben and Takeshi Inomata. Altamira Press.
73. 2005 Nuevas perspectivas sobre la Acrópolis de Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala. (Houston, Zachary Nelson, Carlos Chiriboga, Carlos Alvarado, Héctor Escobedo, y Kart Taube) In XVIII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 2004, eds. Juan Pedro Laporte, Barbara Arroyo, and Héctor Mejía, pp. 505-510. Guatemala City: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, IDAEH, Asociación Tikal, FAMSI.
12. 2005 Informe: Proyecto K-5, Piedras Negras (dited by Héctor Escobedo and
65. 2004 The Acropolis of Piedras Negras: Portrait of a Court System Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya, ed. M. Miller and S. Martin, 271-276. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art.
66. 2004. Maya Epigraphy at the Millennium: Personal Notes. (Stephen D. Houston and Alfonso Lacadena
67. 2004. Tense and Aspect in Maya Hieroglyphic Script. (John Robertson, Stephen Houston, and David
69. 2004. Overture to The First Writing. In The First Writing: Script Invention as History and Process, ed. Stephen Houston, 3-15. Cambridge: Cambridge U Press.
40. 2004. Has Isthmian Writing Been Deciphered? (Stephen Houston and Michael Coe) Mexicon
41. 2004. The Archaeology of Communication Technologies. Annual Review of Anthropology. 33:223
42. 2004. Dos Pilas, Guatemala. Arqueología Mexicana XI (66): 70-73.
43. 2004. La ciudad antigua de Piedras Negras, Guatemala (Héctor Escobedo and Stephen Houston)
11. 2004. The First Writing Script Invention as History and Process, edited volume. Cambridge:
Negras, Peten. In XVIV Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 2004, eds. Juan Pedro Laporte, Barbara Arroyo, and Héctor Mejía. Guatemala City: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, IDAEH, Asociación Tikal, FAMSI.
72. 2004 Body, Presence and Space in Andean and Mesoamerican Rulership. (Houston and T.
70. 2004. Writing in Early Mesoamerica. In The First Writing: Script Invention as History and Process, ed. Stephen Houston, 274-309. Cambridge: Cambridge U Press.
71. 2004. Final Thoughts on First Writing. In The First Writing: Script Invention as History and Process, ed. Stephen Houston, 349-353. Cambridge: Cambridge U Press.
68. 2004. Disharmony in Maya Hieroglyphic Writing: Linguistic Change and Continuity in Classic Society. (Stephen Houston, David Stuart, and John Robertson) In The Linguistics of Maya Writing, ed. Søren Wichmann, 83-101. Salt Lake City: U of Utah Press. (correct, reprinted version of article below)
21. 2004 Review of Une histoire de la religion des Mayas: Du panthéisme au panthéon. By Claude-
61. 2003 The Moral Community: Maya Settlement Transformation at Piedras Negras, Guatemala.
36. 2003. "Bodies and Blood: Critiquing Social Construction in Maya Archaeology,"
37. 2003. Last Writing: Script Obsolescence in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Mesoamerica.
38. 2003. Guardian of the Acropolis: The Sacred Space of a Royal Burial at Piedras Negras, Guatemala (James L. Fitzsimmons, Andrew Scherer, Stephen D. Houston, and Héctor L. Escobedo) Latin American Antiquity 14(4).
39. 2003. The Acropolis of Kaminaljuyu, Guatemala. (Stephen Houston, Zachary Nelson, Carlos
64. 2003. Piedras Negras: The Growth and Decline of a Classic Maya Court Center. (David Webster and
62. 2003. Messages from Beyond: Classic Maya Death at Piedras Negras, Guatemala. (Stephen Houston, Héctor Escobedo, Andrew Scherer, Mark Child, and James Fitzsimmons. In
63. 2003. El problema del Wasteko: Una perspectiva lingüística y arqueológica. (John Robertson and Stephen Houston) In XVI simposio de investigaciones arqueológicas en Guatemala, ed. Juan Pedro Laporte, , Bárbara Arroyo, Héctor Escobedo, and Héctor Mejía,723-733. Guatemala: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes.
11.2002 Informe: Proyecto Arqueológico Piedras Negras, 2000 (edited by Héctor Escobedo and
20. 2002. Verily Unmolested by the Unknown: Review of Zapotec Hieroglyphic Writing, by J. Urcid. The Times Higher Education Supplement, Nov. 15
59.2002 Arqueología e historia en Piedras Negras, Guatemala: síntesis de las temporadas de campo
33. 2002. Then and Now at Piedras Negras. (Charles Golden and Stephen Houston) Dig 4(6):28-29.
35. 2002 Cantantes y danzantes de Bonampak. Arqueología Mexicana X:54-55.
10. 2002 A Thematic Bibliography of Ancient Maya Writing (SH and Zachary Nelson).
34. 2002 Infrared Imaging of Precolumbian Murals at Bonampak, Chiapas, Mexico. (Gene Ware,
60. 2002. Grande es bello: Piedras Negras y el urbanismo de las Tierras Bajas Mayas (Stephen D.
18.2001 Review: Sacred Monkey River. Latin American Antiquity 12(1):122-123.
51.2001 Quality and Quantity in Glyphic Nouns and Adjectives. (Stephen Houston, John Robertson, and David Stuart) Research Reports in Ancient Maya Writing, no. 47. Washington, D. C.: Center for Maya Research.
54.2001 Piedras Negras. Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures, Vol. 2, edited by Davíd Carrasco, pp. 456-458. New York: Oxford University Press.
56.2001 Maya Lowlands, South. In The Archaeology of Mexico and Central America: An
30. 2001 More on the Language of Classic Maya Inscriptions. (Stephen Houston, John Robertson, and David Stuart) Current Anthropology 42(4):558 559.
31. 2001 Decorous Bodies and Disordered Passions: Representations of Emotion among the Classic Maya. World Archaeology 33(2):206-219.
7.2001 Royal Courts of the Ancient Maya, Volume 2 (edited by Takeshi Inomata and Stephen
8.2001 Royal Courts of the Ancient Maya, Volume 1 (edited by Takeshi Inomata and Stephen
9.2001 The Decipherment of Ancient Maya Writing. (edited by Stephen Houston, Oswaldo Chinchilla, and David Stuart) Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
32. 2001 Comment on "Power and Ideology in Artistic Creation: Elite Craft Specialists in Classic Maya Society." Current Anthropology 42(3):336 337.
58.2001 Civic Ceremonial Centers. In The Archaeology of Mexico and Central America: An
57.2001 Crónica de una muerte anunciada: los años finales de Piedras Negras. (Houston, Héctor
55.2001 Piedras Negras. The Archaeology of Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia, ed. Susan Evans and David Webster, pp 591-592. New York: Garland.
53.2001 Reporte de la cuarta temporada de campo del proyecto Piedras Negras, Peten. (Héctor
52.2001 Stela. The Archaeology of Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia, ed. Susan Evans and David Webster, p. 687. New York: Garland.
49.2001 Writing Systems: Overview and Early Development. Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures, Vol. 3, edited by Davíd Carrasco, pp. 338-340. New York: Oxford University Press.
50.2001Sweat Baths (Houston and Susan Evans) The Archaeology of Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia, ed. Susan Evans and David Webster, pp. 688-690. New York: Garland.
19.2001 Review: Cambridge History of Native American Peoples: Mesoamerica, 1
17.2001 Review: Mesoamerican Architecture as a Cultural Symbol. Ethnohistory 48(3):527-530.
48.2000 Opening the Royal Maya Court. (Takeshi Inomata and Stephen Houston) In Royal Courts of the Ancient Maya, edited by T. Inomata and S. D. Houston, pp. 3-23. Boulder: Westview Press.
24. 2000 Into the Minds of Ancients: Advances in Maya Glyph Studies. Journal of World Prehistory
25. 2000 In the Land of the Turtle Lord: Archaeological Investigations at Piedras Negras, Guatemala,
26. 2000 El panel 15 de Piedras Negras, Petén, Guatemala. (S. Houston, H. Escobedo and E. Arredondo)
27.2000 Chemical Analyses of Ancient Anthrosols in Residential Areas at Piedras Negras, Guatemala.
29.2000 Among the River Kings: Archaeological Research at Piedras Negras, Guatemala. Mexicon
28.2000 An Archaeology of the Senses: Perception and Cultural Expression in Ancient
2000. (S. Houston, H. Escobedo, M. Child, G. Golden, R. Terry, and D. Webster) Mexicon 22:97-110.
23. 2000 The Language of Classic Maya Inscriptions. Current Anthropology.
22.2000 Quantitative Phosphorus Measurement: A Field Test Procedure for Archaeological Site Analysis
46. 2000 El inicio de una ciudad Maya: una perspectiva desde Piedras Negras, Guatemala. (Stephen Houston, Héctor Escobedo, Mark Child, Charles Golden, and René Muñóz) Los investigadores de la cultura Maya 8(10):9-27.
47.2000 Peopling the Classic Maya Court. (Stephen Houston and David Stuart) In Royal Courts of the Ancient Maya, edited by T. Inomata and S. D. Houston, pp.54-83. Boulder: Westview Press.
16.2000 Review of Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering the Dynasties of the
9.1999 Informe: Proyecto Arqueológico Piedras Negras, 1999 (edited by Héctor Escobedo and
45.1999 Arte cerámico de las tierras bajas. Historia General de Guatemala, Volume I: 607-614. Guatemala: FPCD.
21.1999 Between Mountains and Sea: Investigations at Piedras Negras, Guatemala. (S. Houston, H. Escobedo, P. Hardin, R. Terry, D. Webster, M. Child, C. Golden, K. Emery,
20. 1999 Classic Maya Religion: Beliefs and Practices of an Ancient American People.
19. 1999 Multispectral Image Processing for Detail Reconstruction and Enhancement of
43.1999 Al Filo de la Navaja: Resultados de la Segunda Temporada del Proyecto Arqueológico Piedras
44.1999 Fonetismo en la escritura Maya. (Stephen Houston and David Stuart) Historia General de Guatemala, Volume I: 575-580. Guatemala: FPCD.
42.1999 Mejoramiento de la Imágen Multi-espectral de los Murales Mayas de La Pasadita, Peten. (Omara Kamal, J. Brady, Gene Ware, Stephen Houston, and Douglas Chabries) In XII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by J. P. Laporte, H. L. Escobedo, and A. C. Monzón de Suasnávar, pp. 455-474. Guatemala City: Ministerio de Deportes.
10.1999 Recovering the Past: Classic Mayan Language and Classic Maya Gods. (David Stuart,
37.1998 Introduction. In Form and Function in Classic Maya Architecture, ed. S. Houston, pp. 1-4. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Harvard University.
40.1998 Classic Maya Depictions of the Built Environment. In Form and Function in Classic Maya Architecture, ed. S. Houston, pp. 333-372. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Harvard University.
17.1998 Monumental Architecture at Piedras Negras, Guatemala: Time, History, Meaning.
18. 1998 The Ancient Maya Self: Personhood and Portraiture in the Classic Period. (With
6.1998 Form and Function in Classic Maya Architecture (edited volume). Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Harvard University. (with three contributions by Houston)
16.1998 On the River of Ruins: Explorations at Piedras Negras, Guatemala, 1997. (Stephen
41. 1998 Algunos comentarios sobre las inscripciones jeroglíficas en las pinturas de la estructura 1 de Bonampak. (Mary Miller and Stephen Houston) In La Pintura Mural Prehispánica en México, II Área Maya, Bonampak, Tomo II, Estudios, edited by Leticia Staines Cicero, pp. 245-254. Mexico City: Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
39.1998 Craft Specialization, Gender, and Personhood among the Post-Conquest Maya of Yucatan, Mexico. (John E. Clark and Stephen Houston) In Craft and Social Identity, edited by C. L. Costin and R. P. Wright, pp. 31-46. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 8. Washington, D. C.
38.1998 Finding Function and Meaning in Classic Maya Architecture. In Form and Function in Classic Maya Architecture, ed. S. Houston, pp.519-538. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Harvard University.
36.1998 Disharmony in Maya Hieroglyphic Writing: Linguistic Change and Continuity in
35. 1998 50 Años Más Tarde: Nuevas Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Piedras Negras. In
15. 1998 Review of The Painted Tombs of Oaxaca, Mexico, by A. Miller. Journal of the
8.1998 Informe: Proyecto Arqueológico Piedras Negras, 1998 (edited by Héctor Escobedo and
7.1997 Informe: Proyecto Arqueológico Piedras Negras (edited by Héctor Escobedo and
34. 1997 Descifrando la política Maya: Perspectivas arqueológicas y epigráficas sobre el
15.1997 A king worth a hill of beans. Archaeology May/June: 40.
14.1997 The Shifting Now: Aspect, Deixis, and Narrative in Classic Maya Texts.
de 1997-2000. (Héctor Escobedo and Stephen Houston) In XV simposio de investigaciones
14. 1997 "How Natives Think, About the Soul, For Example" (with Apologies to Sahlins).
13. 1997 Review of The Paris Codex: Handbook for a Maya Priest, by B. Love.
13.1996 Of Gods, Glyphs, and Kings: Divinity and Rulership among the Classic Maya.
12.1996 Symbolic Sweatbaths of the Maya: Architectural Meaning in the Cross Group, Palenque, Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 7(2):132-151.
33. 1996 Comment on "Playing with Power: Ballcourts and Political Ritual in Southern
32. 1996 La producción e intercambio de la cerámica impresa del Clásico en la región de
12.1996 Review of The Writing System of La Mojarra, by L. Anderson. International Journal
1.1995 Gene Strickland Stuart, 1930-1993. American Antiquity 60(4):685-687.
10.1995 Review of L'écriture maya et son déchiffrement by M. Davoust. Journal de la Société des Américanistes de Paris 81:332-335.
11.1995 Review of Cross-Cultural Approaches to Literacy, ed. by W. Senner.
6.1995 Informe sobre el estado actual de Piedras Negras (Héctor Escobedo and Stephen Houston). 15 pp.
9.1994 Review of Mesoamerican Writing Systems: Propaganda, Myth, and History in Four
30. 1994 Mesoamerican Writing. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 5:2449-2451. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
5.1994 Classic Maya Place Names. (David Stuart and Stephen Houston) Washington, D. C.: Dumbarton Oaks.
31. 1994 Literacy Among the Precolumbian Maya: A Comparative Perspective. Writing Without Words: Alternative Literacies in Mesoamerica and the Andes, edited by E. Boone and W. Mignolo, pp.27-49 Durham: Duke University Press.
29. 1994 Special Section: Classic Maya Landscape Archaeology. (Stephen Houston and William Fowler, Jr.) Ancient Mesoamerica 5(1):61
8.1994 Review of Understanding Maya Inscriptions: A Hieroglyph Handbook.
4.1993 Hieroglyphs and History at Dos Pilas: Dynastic Politics of the Classic Maya. Austin: University of Texas Press.
28.1993 Historia política de la zona de Piedras Negras: Las inscripciones de El Cayo. In VI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by
7.1992 Review of Quirigua, by W. Sharer. The Latin American Anthropology Review
17.1992 Resultados generales de los estudios epigráficos del Proyecto Petexbatún.
22.1992 Implicaciones del descubrimiento de una nueva escalinata jeroglífica en Dos
11.1992 On Maya Hieroglyphic Literacy. (with David Stuart) Current Anthropology
26. 1992 The Composition of Classic Maya Polities. New Theories on the Ancient Maya, edited by Ellin Danien and Robert J. Sharer, pp. 65-69. University Museum Monograph 77. University Museum Symposium Series, Volume 3. Philadelphia: University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.
27.1992 Classic Maya History and Politics at Dos Pilas, Guatemala. Supplement to the Handbook of Middle American Indians: Epigraphy, edited by V. R. Bricker, pp. 110-127. Austin: University of Texas Press.
25. 1992 Der Hofstaat der Maya in der Klassik. (Stephen Houston and David Stuart)
24.1992 Historia y arqueología en Dos Pilas. In V Simposio de Investigaciones
23.1992 Image and Text on the "Jauncy Vase." (Stephen Houston, David Stuart, and
21.1992 Introduction: The Archaeology of Copan. (Stephen Houston and William Fowler)
19.1992 Mapeo y sondeos en Tamarindito. (Stephen Houston, Robert Chatham, Oswaldo
20.1992 La historia de Dos Pilas y sus gobernantes. Apuntes Arqueológicos 2(2):15-46. Guatemala: Universidad de San Carlos.
18.1992 A Name Glyph for Classic Maya Dwarfs. In The Maya Vase Book, Vol. 3: 526-531. New York: Kerr Associates.
16.1992 Una tumba real en el centro ceremonial de Dos Pilas: Excavaciones e
5.1992 Telling the Past: Review of A Forest of Kings and Scribes, Warriors and
6.1992 Review of Word and Image in Maya Culture. Mesoamerica. 23 :191-193.
14. 1991Caracol "Altar 21". Appendix to "Cycles of Time : Caracol in the Maya Realm", by Arlen Chase, Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, Vol. VII, edited by M. G. Robertson, pp. 38- 42. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
15-18 de julio de 1991, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Hector L. Escobedo A.,
15.1991 Arqueología, epigrafía y el descubrimiento de una tumba real en el centro ceremonial de Dos Pilas, Peten, Guatemala. (A. Demarest, H. Escobedo, J-A. Valdés, L. Wright, K. Emery, and Stephen Houston) U tz'ib 1(1):14-28. Guatemala: Asociacion Tikal.
11.1991 Proyecto arqueológico Petexbatún: Nuevas perspectivas sobre el
12. 1991 Introduction: Urban Archaeology at Teotihuacan. (William R. Fowler, Jr., and Stephen Houston) Ancient Mesoamerica 2(1): .
13.1991Introduction: Imagery and Notation at Teotihuacan. (Stephen Houston and William R. Fowler, Jr.) Ancient Mesoamerica 2(2):245.
3.1991 Tikal Report No. 14: A Review Essay. (William Fowler and Stephen Houston) Latin American Anthropology Review .
4.1991 Review of The Origins of Writing. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 1(2):244-245.
5.1991 Proyecto Arqueologico Regional Petexbatun: Informe Preliminar 3, edited by Arthur Demarest, Takeshi Inomata, Joel Palka, and Héctor Escobedo. 1000 pp.
4.1990 Proyecto Arqueologico Regional Petexbatun: Informe Preliminar 2, edited by Arthur Demarest and Stephen Houston. 643 pp. (Contains 5 reports co-authored by Houston)
8.1990 Recollections of a Carnegie Archaeologist: Edwin Shook As recounted to Stephen Houston. Ancient Mesoamerica 1(2):247-252.
U.S.A. by the University of California Press; 2nd printing, 1990, over 15,000 copies
Pilas. (Stacey Symonds, Stephen Houston, and David Stuart) In IV Simposio de Arqueología y Guatemalteca, Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, julio de 1990, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Héctor L. Escobedo, and Sandra Villagrán de Brady, pp. 237-239. Guatemala City: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historica, Asociación Tikal.
Etnología, julio de 1990. edited by Juan Pedro Laporte,
Etnología, julio de 1990, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Héctor L. Escobedo,
9.1990 Introduction. (William R. Fowler, Jr., and Stephen Houston) Ancient Mesoamerica 1(1):97.
10.1990 Editorial Remarks: A New Journal Based on an Old Idea. (William R. Fowler, Jr., and Stephen Houston) Ancient Mesoamerica 1(1):1.
7.1990 Remembering Carnegie Archaeology. (Stephen Houston and William R. Fowler, Jr.) Ancient Mesoamerica 1(2):245.
2.1990 Review of Smoke and Mist, edited by K. Josserand and K. Dakin. American Antiquity 55(1):196-197.
1.1989 Review of Maya Iconography, edited by E. Benson and G. Griffin. Antiquity 63:637 638.
9. 1989 Archaeology and Maya Writing. Journal of World Prehistory 3(1):1 32.
10.1989 Ancient Maya Writing. (David Stuart and Stephen Houston) Scientific American
3.1989 Reading the Past: Maya Glyphs. London: British Museum Press. (Published in the
8. 1989 Folk Classification from Classic Maya Pottery Texts.
6.1989 The Way Glyph: Evidence for "Co essences" among the Classic Maya. (Stephen Houston and David Stuart) Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing, No. 30. Washington, D. C.: Center for Maya Research.
3.1989 Proyecto Arqueologico Regional Petexbatun: Informe Preliminar 1, edited by Arthur Demarest and Stephen Houston. 260 pp. (Contains 2 reports co-authored by Houston)
7.1988 The Phonetic Decipherment of Mayan Glyphs. Antiquity 62:126 135.
Museo Nacional de Arqueología e Etnología, 18-20 de julio de 1988, pp. 224-
5.1988 The Lake Guija Plaque. (Stephen Houston and Paul Amaroli) Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 15. Washington, D. C.: Center for Maya Research.
4.1987 Notes on Caracol Epigraphy and its Significance. In Investigations at the Classic Maya City of Caracol, Belize: 1985 1987 (Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase):85 100. Pre Columbian Art Research Institute, Monograph 3. San Francisco.
6.1987 The Classic Maya Ballgame and its Architectural Setting: A Study of Relations between Text and Image. (Mary Ellen Miller and Stephen Houston) RES 14: 46 65.
5.1987 "Name Tagging" in Classic Mayan Script. (Stephen Houston and Karl A. Taube) Mexicon IX(2):38 41.
3.1986 Problematic Emblem Glyphs : Examples from Altar de Sacrificios, El Chorro, Río Azul, and Xultun. Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing 3. Washington, D. C.: Center for Maya Research.
2.1986 Informe del Proyecto Dos Pilas. 20 pp.
4.1985 A Feather Dance at Bonampak, Chiapas, Mexico. Journal du Société des Américanistes LXX:127 138. Paris.
2.1985 The Dynastic Sequence of Dos Pilas, Guatemala. (Stephen Houston and Peter L. Mathews). Pre Columbian Art Research Institute, Monograph 1.
2.1984 Another Example of a "Truncated" Initial Series. American Antiquity 49(2):401 403.
3.1984 An Example of Homophony in Mayan Script. American Antiquity 49(4):790 805.
1.1984 Informe del Proyecto Petexbatun. 25 pp.
1.1983 Warfare between Naranjo and Ucanal. In Contributions to Maya Hieroglyphic Decipherment I, edited by Stephen D. Houston, pp. 31-39. New Haven: HRAFlex Books.
1.1983 Contributions to Maya Hieroglyphic Decipherment, I. HRAFlex Books, New
1.1983 On "Ruler 6" at Piedras Negras, Guatemala. Mexicon 3(3): 84-86.
2.1983 A Reading for the Flint-Shield Glyph. In Contributions to Maya Hieroglyphic Decipherment I, edited by Stephen D. Houston, pp. 13-25. New Haven: HRAFlex Books.
2.2000 Floyd Glenn Lounsbury (1914-1998). In Royal Courts of the Ancient Maya, edited by T. Inomata and S. D. Houston, S. D., pp. xix-xxiii. Boulder: Westview Press. (Also
Kings. Science 256:1062-1064.
of American Linguistics 62(4):429-431.
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 7(1):145-148.
227. Guatemala City: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de
sistema de guerra Maya y el colapso. (Arthur Demarest, Stephen Houston, and Kevin
implicaciones. (Arthur A. Demarest, Juan Antonio Valdés, Héctor
and Sandra Villagrán de Brady, pp. 221-235. Guatemala City: Ministerio de
Guatemala City: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de
Arqueología Guatemalteca, Museo Nacional de Arqueología y
Ancient Mesoamerica 3(1):61-62.
Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal.
Arqueológicas en Guatemala, Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología,
In Die Welt der Maya: Archäologische Schätze aus drei Jahrtausenden, pp. 142-157.
Juan Pedro Laporte, Héctor L. Escobedo, and Sandra Villagrán de Brady, 63-70. (Oswaldo Chinchilla and Stephen Houston) Guatemala City: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes.
Juan Pedro Laporte and Héctor L. Escobedo, pp. 111-134. (Antonia Foias, James
Mesoamerica," by John G. Fox. Current Anthropology 37(3):498-499.
XI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro
Classic Society. (Stephen Houston, David Stuart, John Robertson) In Anatomía de una civilización: Aproximaciones interdisciplinarias a la cultura Maya, edited by Andrés Ciudad Ruiz, Yolanda Fernández Marquínez, José Miguel García Campillo, M. Josefa Iglesias Ponce de León, Alfonso Lacadena García-Gallo, Luis T. Sanz Castro, pp.275-296.
Negras. (Stephen Houston, Hector Escobedo, and Mark Child) In XII Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by J. P. Laporte, H. L. Escobedo, and A. C. Monzón de Suasnávar, pp. 373-392. Guatemala City: Ministerio de Deportes.
arqueológicas en Guatemala, ed. Juan Pedro Laporte, Ana Claudia de Suasnávar, and Bárbara Arroyo, 537-553. Guatemala: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes.
El urbanismo en las sociedades antiguas, ed. Andrés Ciudad Ruiz, M.a Josefa Iglesias Ponce
Encyclopedia, ed. Susan Evans and David Webster, 145-147. New York: Garland.
151-160. Guatemala: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes.
Houston and Héctor Escobedo). In Incidents of Archaeology in Central American and Yucatan:
Construction of Ancient Cities, ed., Monica Smith. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian
La muerte en el mundo maya, eds., A. Ciudad, M. Ruz, M. J. Iglesias, and P. Cagiao, 113-143.
de Antropología e Historia.
Stephen Houston) In El urbanismo en Mesoamérica/Urbanism in Mesoamerica, Vol. 1, eds.
Cummins) Palaces of the Ancient New World, eds. S. Evans and J. Pillsbury, 359-398. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks.
• Book and Encyclopedia Chapters
(S. Houston, D. Stuart and K. A. Taube) American Anthropologist 91(3):720 726.
(Stephen Houston and David Stuart) Antiquity 70:289-312.
American Anthropologist 99(2):291-305.
Houston, Hector Escobedo, Donald Forsyth, Perry Hardin, David Webster, and
Muñoz, and Mónica Urquizú).Mayab 11:40-56.
Science 26:1391-1407.
Maya Murals from La Pasadita, Guatemala. (Omar S. Kamal, Gene A. Ware, Stephen
BYU Studies. 38(4): 43-72.
and D. Stuart) Mexicon 21: 10-17.
D. Nelson, Mark W. Jackson, Jared Carr, and Jacob Parnell) Geoarchaeology 15(2):151-166.
at Piedras Negras, Guatemala. (Richard E. Terry, Perry J. Hardin, Stephen D. Houston, Sheldon
(Stephen Houston, John Robertson, and David Stuart) 41(3): 321-356.
14(2): 121-201.
Stephen D. Houston) Journal of Archaeological Science 27:449-462.
Mesoamerica. (Stephen Houston and Karl Taube) Cambridge Archaeological Journal 10(2):261-94.
22: 8-17.
Stephen Houston, Mary Miller, Karl Taube, and Beatriz de la Fuente) Antiquity 76:325-326.
(Stephen Houston and Tricia McAnany) Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 22:26-41.
R. Diehl, S. Houston, A. Joyce, C. Lipo, B. Stark, and M. Winter) Latin American Antiquity 17.
• Journal Articles
Haven. (editor)
in print)
Houston) Boulder: Westview Press.
Provo: Research Press.
Cambridge University Press.
Houston, David Stuart, and Karl Taube). University of Texas Press.
Contracted Ancient Maya Writing. (Stephen Houston and David Stuart) Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
University Press.
Contracted The Classic Maya (Stephen Houston and Takeshi Inomata) Cambridge: Cambridge
Arqueología Mexicana. XI (66):52-55.
Chiriboga, and Elly Spensley). Mayab 16:49-64.
(Stephen Houston, John Baines, and Jerrold Cooper) Comparative Studies in Society and History 45(3):430-480.
E. Christian Wells, Richard Terry, J. Jacob Parnell, Perry J. Hardin, Mark W. Jackson, and
Revista Universidad del Valle de Guatemala 10:3-6.
Houston, Douglas M. Chabries, and Richard W. Christiansen) Journal of Archaeological
David Stuart) RES 33:73-101.
(Stephen Houston, Héctor Escobedo, Mark Child, Charles Golden, Rene
Lori Wright) Mexicon 20:16-22.
260(8): 82 89.
Stuart) In The Linguistics of Maya Writing, ed. Søren Wichmann, 259-289. Salt Lake City: U of Utah Press.
eds., Charles W. Golden and Greg Borgstede, 115-123. New York: Routledge.
García-Gallo) In Continuities and Changes in Maya Archaeology: Perspectives at the Millennium,
W. T. Sanders, A. G. Mastache, and R. H. Cobean, 427-449. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional
Madrid: Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas.
(Stephen Houston, H. Escobedo, Mark Child, C. Golden, and R. Muñoz). The Social
Institution Press.
Essays in Honor of Edwin M. Shook, ed. Michael Love, 519-536. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
arqueológicas en Guatemala, ed. Juan Pedro Laporte, Héctor Escobedo, and Bárbara Arroyo,
Escobedo, Mark Child, Charles Golden, and René Muñoz) In Reconstruyendo la ciudad Maya:
de León, and M.a del Carmen Martínez Martínez, pp. 65-93. Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas, Madrid.
Encyclopedia, ed. Susan Evans and David Webster, pp. 441-447. New York: Garland.
Escobedo and Stephen Houston) In XIV simposio de investigaciones
Sociedad Española de Estudios Mayas, Madrid.
Laporte and Héctor Escobedo, pp. 281-295. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes,
concepto de los estados segmentarios. (With Héctor Escobedo) In X Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte and Héctor L. Escobedo, pp. 463-481. Guatemala City: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes.
Péten. In IX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, edited by
Brady, and Stephen Houston) Guatemala City: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes.
Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabren.
and Sandra Villagrán de Brady, pp. 289-300. Guatemala City: Ministerio de
Karl Taube). The Maya Vase Book, Vol. 3:498-512. New York: Kerr Associates.
Chinchilla, Erick Ponciano, and Lori Wright) In IV Simposio de
Héctor L. Escobedo, and Sandra Villagrán de Brady, pp. 169-178.
Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal.
Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca, Museo Nacional de Arqueología y
(Stephen Houston, David Stuart, Héctor Escobedo, and Oswaldo Chinchilla). In IV
Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal.
L. Escobedo A., and Stephen Houston), edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, Héctor L. Escobedo A., and Sandra Villagrán de Brady, pp. 301-315. Guatemala City: Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Instituto de Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal.
Johnston). In II Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala,
Antropología e Historia, Asociación Tikal.
published in Written Language and Society
• Obituaries
François Baudez. Ethnohistory 51(2):445-448.
• Book Reviews
Latin American Antiquity 12(1): 114-115.
Ancient Maya, by S. Martin and N. Grube. The Times Higher Education Supplement. Nov.
Royal Anthropological Institute.
American Anthropologist 99(2):459-460.
American Anthropologist 97(1):189-190.
American Anthropologist.
Ancient Civilizations, by Joyce Marcus. American Anthropologist 96:716-718.
Stephen Houston) 137 pp.
Technical Reports
Stephen Houston, and John Robertson) Workbook for the XXII Maya Weekend, University of Texas Austin.
Stephen Houston) 639 pp.
Stephen Houston) 420 pp.
Stephen Houston) 441 pp.
(contains three reports authored or co-authored by Houston)
Stephen Houston) 250 pp.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1987 | PhD | Yale University |
1983 | MA | Yale University |
1980 | BA | University of Pennsylvania |
2023 - 72nd Andrew Mellon Lectures, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
2023 - Orden del Pop, Museo Popol Vuh, Universidad Francisco Marroquin
2011 - Order of the Quetzal, Grand Cross (Guatemala)
2009 - Shallit Lecture, BYU
2008 - 2012 MacArthur Fellow
2004 Elected Académico Correspondiente, Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala
1999 Conferencia de Apertura, IX Encuentro, Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya, Campeche, Mexico
1999 Land Memorial Lecture, De Young Museum, San Francisco
1996 Leigh Lecturer, endowed lecture at the University of Utah
1987 Ph.D. awarded "with Distinction"
1983 Passed Ph. D. Examinations with Distinction
1980 Graduated summa cum laude, with Distinction in Major
1980 Elected to Phi Beta Kappa
1979 3 First Class Merits, University of Edinburgh
1976 Dean's List, University of Pennsylvania
Name | Title |
Bodel, John | W. Duncan MacMillan II Professor of Classics, Professor of History |
Bonde, Sheila | Christopher Chan and Michelle Ma Professor Emerita of History of Art and Professor Emerita of Archaeology and the Ancient World |
ANTH 1030 - Pre-Columbian Art and Architecture: A World That Matters |
ANTH 1031 - Classic Mayan Civilization |
ANTH 1650 - Ancient Maya Writing |
ANTH 1820 - Lost Languages: The Decipherment and Study of Ancient Writing Systems |
ANTH 1830 - The Pictured Text |
ANTH 2011 - Body Arts: The Human Frame as Cultural Expression |
ANTH 2501 - Principles of Archaeology |
ANTH 2520 - Mesoamerican Archaeology and Ethnohistory |
HIAA 1212 - The Pictured Text |
HIAA 1305 - Pre-Columbian Art + Architecture |
HIAA 2212 - The Pictured Text |