Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Clinician Educator, Professor of Pediatrics, Clinician Educator


Julie Boergers, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in Child Clinical Psychology from the University of Denver. She completed an internship in Child Clinical/Pediatric Psychology at Children's National Medical Center, and a fellowship in Pediatric Psychology at Brown Medical School before joining the faculty in 1998. Dr. Boergers is a pediatric psychologist who specializes in integrated behavioral health approaches for pediatric medical problems.  She is the Co-Director of the Pediatric Sleep Program and the Director of Pediatric Behavioral Sleep Medicine at Hasbro Children's Hospital. Dr. Boergers participates in the training of interns, residents, and fellows in psychology, psychiatry, and pediatrics at Alpert Medical School. Her primary research interests focus on sleep, pediatric chronic illnesses (including asthma, cancer and inflammatory bowel disease), and adolescent health risk behaviors.

Brown Affiliations

Research Areas