Dr. Jack Rusley, MD, MHS is a board-certified pediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist, and an adolescent health researcher.
He is currently an Associate Professor in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Rhode Island Hospital and Hasbro Children’s Hospital, and has appointments in the Alpert Medical School at Brown University and the Brown University School of Public Health in the Department of Health Services, Policy, and Practice. He is the director of research for the Division of Adolescent Medicine.
He completed his internship and residency in combined Internal Medicine and Pediatrics (Med-Peds) at Maine Medical Center, fellowship in Adolescent Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and Master in Health Science at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
His research interests include HIV prevention with a focus on family-based interventions for sexual minority and gender diverse adolescents and young adults.
His clinical work includes providing primary care to adolescents and young adults ages 12 to 26 at the Rhode Island Adolescent Healthcare Center. He also provides specialty care for youth in the areas of substance use, family planning, STD testing and treatment, pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (PrEP), comprehensive LGBTQ services, and menstrual disorders.
He is also a consultant to the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine national advocacy committee.
Please click on the link below to access a free PrEP Toolkit for Youth Serving PCPs:
Rusley JC, Valente PK, Chan PA. "Making a Choice With Your Adolescent: Next-Generation HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and Parents of Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents in the United States." Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 73, no. 4, 2023, pp. 611-613. |
Valente PK, Operario D, Rusley J, Bauermeister JA, Biello KB. "The need for a health equity framework in next-generation pre-exposure prophylaxis implementation." The Lancet HIV, vol. 10, no. 4, 2023, pp. e266-e268. |
Valente PK, Bauermeister JA, Lin WY, Operario D, Rusley J, Hightow-Weidman L, Mayer KH, Biello KB. "Next Generation Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for Young Men who have Sex with Men: Lessons from System and Provider-level barriers to oral PrEP." AIDS and Behavior, 2022. |
Valente, P. K., Bauermeister, J. A., Lin, W. Y., da Silva, D. T., Hightow-Weidman, L. B., Drab, R., Mayer, K. H., Operario, D., Rusley, J. C., & Biello, K. B.
"Preferences across PrEP modalities among young men who have sex in the U.S.: A latent class analysis study." AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 2022, pp. In press.
Rusley JC, Tao J, Koinis-Mitchell D, Rosenthal AE, Montgomery MC, Nunez H, Chan PA. "Trends in risk behaviors and sexually transmitted infections among youth presenting to a sexually transmitted infection clinic in the United States, 2013-2017." International Journal of STD & AIDS, 2022, pp. 095646242210777. |
Rusley, Jack, Carey, Michael P., Nelson, Kimberly M. "Disclosure of Male Attraction to Primary Care Clinicians by Adolescent Sexual Minority Males." Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2021. |
Rusley J, Riese A. "Scaling up PrEP for Women: What We Can Learn From Title X Clinics in the Southern United States." Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 68, no. 3, 2021, pp. 433-434. |
Chu CT, Rusley JC, Wesley J, Chan PA, Trotz C, Brown JD. "Confidentiality in Sexual Healthcare for Adolescents and Young Adults: Addressing Disclosure in the Explanation of Benefits." Rhode Island medical journal (2013), vol. 103, no. 8, 2020, pp. 19-21. |
Rusley, Jack, Tomaszewski, Kathy, Kim, Julia, Robinson, Larnce, Rose, Kadi-Ann, Aronin, Caroline, Molloy, Matthew, Arrington-Sanders, Renata. "Improvement of Electronic Health Record Integrated Transition Planning Tools in Primary Care." Pediatric Quality and Safety, vol. 5, no. 3, 2020, pp. e282. |
Raifman J, Charlton BM, Arrington-Sanders R, Chan PA, Rusley J, Mayer KH, Stein MD, Austin SB, McConnell M. "Sexual Orientation and Suicide Attempt Disparities Among US Adolescents: 2009-2017." Pediatrics, vol. 145, no. 3, 2020. |
Rusley JC, Monroe A, Matson P, Gebo KA, Nonyane BAS, Minkovitz CS, Agwu A, Emerson M, Moore R, Rutstein R, Aberg J, Nijhawan A, Boswell S, Sanders R, HIV Research Network. "Discontinuity in Medicaid Coverage Among Young Adults with HIV." AIDS Patient Care and STDs, vol. 33, no. 3, 2019, pp. 89-92. |
Rusley, Jack, Cueto, Jennifer, Donaldson, Abigail A. "Bone Health Considerations for the Adolescent Female Athlete." Current Pediatrics Reports, vol. 6, no. 2, 2018, pp. 89-98. |
Rusley, Jack C., Arrington-Sanders, Renata, Tomaszewski, Kathy, Robinson, Larnce, Aronin, Caroline, Rose, Kadi-Ann, Molloy, Mathew. "Cultivating Connections to Adult Care: Use of an Electronic Health Record Integrated Transition Planning Tools to Improve Primary Care Transition." Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 60, no. 2, 2017, pp. S62-S63. |
Rusley, Jack C., Hunt, Jessica, Buzanoski, David, Arrington-Sanders, Renata, Fanburg, Jonathan T., Thibodeau, Patrice. "The Maine Adolescent Council on Transition (ACT Maine): A resident-driven, Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) Grant Funded Project to Improve the Quality of Health Care Transition and Build Resilience in Youth With Chronic Illness and Their Families." Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 56, no. 2, 2015, pp. S33-S34. |
Rusley, J. C., Andiman, W., Dzuria, J., Chwastiak, L., & Wagner, K. R.
"Improving transitional care for youth living with HIV/AIDS: A national survey of pediatric providers. Poster presentation." Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellows Meeting Proceedings, 2009.
Rougas SC, Rusley JC, Young BR, Romain CR, Lambrese JR, Dollase R, Monroe AD, Ritter DA. "Development of a student-based teaching academy." Medicine and health, Rhode Island, vol. 91, no. 8, 2008, pp. 252-4. |
Grant #:N/A
Co-PIs: Jack Rusley, Shankar Levine
Primary Mentor: Jody Rich, MD
Role: Co-PI
Period: 6/1/06 to 5/31/0
Sponsor: Petersen Fund, Brown Medical School
Description: This was a grant from the Petersen Fund at Brown Medical School and the Area Health Education Council (AHEC) to fund a project that provided health education to women recovering from drug addiction at a residential rehabilitation program in Rhode Island called SSTAR Birth.
Grant #: N/A
PI: John Forrest
Primary Mentors: Krystn Wagner, MD, PhD; Warren Andiman, MD
Role: Clinical research fellow
Period: 7/1/08 to 60/30/09
Title: Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellowship, Yale University School of Medicine
Sponsor: Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Description: This program provides funding and mentoring for medical students to learn the fundamentals of medical research, statistics, and project development, and institutional leadership. I developed a national survey of pediatric HIV providers on transition for youth with HIV.
Grant #: T71MC08054
PI: Hoover Adger
Role: Fellow/trainee
Period: 7/1/12 to 6/30/17
Title: Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Training Grant
Sponsor: Health Resources & Services Administration, Maternal & Child Health Bureau
Description: The goal of the program is to provide training adolescent medicine to post-doctoral Adolescent Medicine physicians, nursing, social work, psychology, and nutrition fellows.
Grant #: 6631-257300
PI: Jack Rusley
Primary Mentors: Patrice Thibodeau, MD; Jonathan Fanburg, MD, MPH
Role: PI
Period: 1/9/13 to 8/4/14
Title: American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) program
Description: This was a resident grant used to plan and implement a leadership/resilience training program for youth living with chronic illness called the Maine Adolescent Leadership Council (ACT Maine)
Grant #: T32HD052459-07
PI: Maria Trent
Role: Fellow/Trainee
Period: 5/1/13 to 4/30/16
Title: Adolescent Health Promotion Research Training Program
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health, Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Description: The goal of the program is to provide training in reproductive health research to post-doctoral Adolescent Medicine physicians.
Grant #: 120582
PI: Renata Arrington-Sanders
Role: Project manager
Period: 7/1/15 to 8/30/16
Title: Transitioning Youth with Special Health Care Needs
Sponsor: Maryland Consortium for Children with Special Health Care Needs, Community of Care (COC)/Parents Place of Maryland
Total direct cost: $10,000
Description: Funding to support quality improvement project in adolescent clinic with goal to improve process of transition to adult care using electronic health record (EHR)-integrated tools.
Grant #: L60 MD010022-01
Primary mentor: Renata Arrington-Sanders
Role: Fellow/Trainee
Period: 7/1/15 to 6/30/17
Title: Health Disparities Loan Repayment Program (LRP)
Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Description: Conceptualized, planned mixed-methods study of youth living with HIV and transition using an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental study team. LRP award accepted for 2 years for $70,000.
Grant #: 1K23MH123335
Principal Investigator (PI): Jack Rusley
Role: PI
Period: 5/1/20 to 4/30/25
Title: A family-based intervention to improve HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis uptake for adolescent sexual minority males (Prepping for The Talk/TheTalkStudy).
Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health
Description: Career development award to provide training to become an independent researcher in HIV prevention science. Goal is to test a motivational interviewing intervention for youth and video-based education for parents to increase PrEP uptake among adolescent sexual minority and gender diverse males.
Role: PI
Grant #: none
Principal Investigator: Ezra Gashi
Role: Mentor
Period: 4/11/22-4/11/23
Title: Adapting an Intervention to Help Parents and Youth Talk About Sexual Health and Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV (PrEP): Youth Stakeholder Engagement Through Focus Groups and Theater Testing
Sponsor: Brown University School of Public Health, Nora Kahn Piore Award
Description: This award will support the pilot testing of the youth component of The Talk Study intervention, including focus groups and theater testing.
Grant #: 713933
Co-PIs: Jack Rusley, Nicholas Tarantino
Collaborators: Jennifer Salerno
Period: 7/1/2022-6/30/2023
Title: Creating a Digital Parenting Intervention to Improve Inclusive Sexual Health Communication and HIV Prevention Knowledge in Families with Sexual Minority and Gender Diverse Adolescents
Sponsor: Department of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Hasbro Children’s Hospital and Bradley Hospital
Description: This Hasbro Bradley Award will support the development and pilot testing of a prototype self-paced, interactive, MI-based, digital module for parents of ASM/GDM about sexual health and HIV prevention including PrEP to determine its feasibility and
Grant #: 1L40MH131162-01
PI: Jack Rusley
Mentors: Philip Chan, Renata Sanders, Kate Guthrie
Period: 7/1/22-6/30/2024
Title: Prepping for The Talk: Helping Parents and Youth Talk about Sexuality
Sponsor: National Institute of Mental Health, Loan Repayment Program (LRP), Extramural, Pediatric Section
Description: This LRP provides loan repayment, and supports the work of The Talk Study (1K23MH123335, described above)
Grant#: Pending
PI: Jack Rusley
Role: PI
Period: 8/1/23 – 7/31/2024
Title: Development of a primary care provider toolkit to improve HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) access for adolescents and young adults
Sponsor: Advance RI-CTR, Brown University (Pilot Program)
Total direct costs: $65,000
Description: Design and implement an “PrEP toolkit” for youth-serving PCPs to be implemented in health care settings throughout the U.S. to better address the current gap in PrEP care for this population.
Rusley, Jack Colin; Tao, Jun; Koinis-Mitchell, Daphne; Rosenthal, Alex; Montgomery, Madeline C.; Nunez, Hector; Chan, Philip A. Longitudinal Trends in Risk Behaviors and Sexually Transmitted Infections among Adolescents and Young Adults at a Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinic, 2013-2017. ID Week, poster presentation. Washington DC: 2019.
Year | Degree | Institution |
2016 | MHS | The Johns Hopkins University |
2010 | MD | Alpert Medical School, Brown University |
2003 | BA | Brown University |
Fellow | Johns Hopkins University, Adolescent Medicine | 2014-2017 | |
Resident | Maine Medical Center, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics (Med-Peds) | 2010-2014 |
Name | Title |
Allen, Emily | Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Clinician Educator |
Biello, Katie | Chair of Epidemiology, Professor of Epidemiology, Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Brown, Larry | Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior |
Carey, Michael | Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Professor Emeritus of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Chan, Philip | Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Medicine |
Donaldson, Abigail | Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Clinician Educator |
Elwy, Anashua Rani | Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Guthrie, Kate | Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Koinis-Mitchell, Daphne | Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior and Pediatrics (Research) |
Marshall, Brandon | Professor of Epidemiology |
Moitra, Ethan | Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior |
Murphy, Matthew | Assistant Professor of Medicine, Clinician Educator, Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Operario, Don | Adjunct Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences |
Rich, Josiah | Professor of Medicine, Professor of Epidemiology |
Rogers, Brooke | Assistant Professor of Medicine (Research), Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior (Research) |
Tao, Jun | Assistant Professor of Epidemiology (Research), Assistant Professor of Medicine (Research) |
Affiliated member, Brown Research on Implementation and Dissemination to Guide Evidence Use (BRIDGE) Program (2022-present)
Adolescent Medicine specialist | American board of pediatrics, Adolescent Medicine | 2018- | #722 |
Rhode Island Medical License | Rhode Island Department of Health | 2017- | #MD15912 |
Board Certified Pediatrician | American Board of Pediatrics, Pediatrics | 2014- | #111515 |
Adolescent Medicine specialist. 2018- |