Editor, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th editions of Sabiston & Spencer's Surgery of the Chest
Editor, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Editions of the Atlas of Cardiac Surgical Techniques
Editor, Aortic Dissection and Acute Aortic Syndromes.
Original peer reviewed articles:
- Lingeman J, Donohue J, Madura J, Sellke FW. Angiomyolipoma: Emerging concepts in management. Urology 1982; 20: 566-570.
- Sellke FW. Williams G, Donovan D, Clarke R. Management of intra-abdominal aneurysms associated with periarteritis nodosum. J Vasc Surg 1986; 4: 294-298.
- Sellke FW Debski R, Ely D, Sadri F, Inman S. Regional mapping, depletion and functional correlation of myocardial catecholamines in an isolated rat heart model. Curr Surg 1986; 43: 476-479.
- Sellke FW, Williams G. Distal duodenal carcinoma and intussusception. South Med J 1987; 80: 644-648.
- Sellke FW, Ely D, Sadri F, Debski R. Comparative functional preservation of cold perfusion and non-perfusion in Langendorff isolated rat hearts. Curr Surg 1987; 44: 300-304.
- Sellke FW, Kelly T. Thoracic outlet syndrome. Am J Surg 1988; 156: 54-57.
- Sellke FW, Loughry C, Kashkari S. Angiosarcoma of the breast: report of two long-term survivals. Int Surg 1988; 73:193-195.
- Saaka M, Sellke FW, Kelly T. Primary hyperparathyroidism. Surg Gynecol Obstr 1988; 166: 333-337.
- Sellke FW, Meng R, Rossi N. Cryopreserved saphenous vein homografts for femoral distal reconstruction. J Cardiovasc Surg 1989; 30: 838-842.
- Sellke FW, Banitt P, Harrison D. Adrenergic regulation of the coronary microcirculation. Surg Forum 1989; 40: 225-227.
- Sellke FW, Myers P, Bates J, Harrison D. Influence of vessel size on the sensitivity of coronary microvessels to nitroglycerin. Am J Physiol 1990; 258 (Heart-Circ Physiol 27):H515-H520.
- Sellke FW, Armstrong ML, Harrison D. Endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation is abnormal in the coronary microcirculation of atherosclerotic primates. Circulation 1990; 81: 1586-1593.
- Sellke FW, Quillen JE, Brooks LA, Harrison DG. Endothelial modulation of the coronary vasculature in vessels perfused via mature collaterals. Circulation1990; 81:1938-1947.
- Sellke FW, Lemmer J, Vandenberg B, Ehrenhaft J. Cardiac myxomas: long term results following surgical treatment. Ann Thorac Surg 1990;50: 557-561.
- Quillen JE, Sellke FW, Brooks LA, Harrison DG. Ischemia-reperfusion impairs endothelium-dependent relaxation of coronary microvessels while not affecting large coronary arteries. Circulation 1990; 82: 586-594.
- Harrison DG, Sellke FW, Quillen JE. Neurohumoral regulation of coronary collateral vasomotor tone. Basic Res Cardiol. 1990; 85 (Suppl): 121-129.
- Sellke FW, Lazsewski M, Johnson R, Smith R, Rossi NP. Hemangiopericytoma of the sternum. Arch of Path Lab Med 1991; 115: 242-244.
- Quillen JE, Sellke FW, Harrison DG. Long term hypercholesterolemia alters the reactivity of primate coronary microvessels to platelet products. Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis 1991; 11: 639-644.
- Sellke FW, Tomanek R, Harrison DG. L-cysteine selectively enhances nitroglycerin induced relaxation in small coronary microvessels, J Pharm Exper Ther 1991; 258: 365-369.
- Sellke FW, Stanford W, Rossi NP. Failure of cryopreserved saphenous vein allografts following coronary artery bypass. J Cardiovasc Surgery 1991; 32: 820-823.
- Quillen JE, Sellke FW, Banitt P, Harrison DG. Effect of norepinephrine on the coronary microcirculation. J. Vasc Research 1992; 1: 2-7.
- Sellke FW, Quillen JE. Altered effects of vasopressin on the coronary circulation following ischemia. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1992; 104: 357-363.
- Harrison DG, Kurz MA, Quillen JE, Sellke FW, Mugge A. Normal and pathophysiologic considerations of endothelial regulation of vascular tone: relevance of nitrate therapy. Am J Cardiol 1992; 70: 11B-17B.
- Ely DL, Dunphy G, Dollwet H, Richter H, Sellke FW, Azodi M. 24 Hour isolated rat heart preservation using deferoxamine. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 1992; 12: 479-485.
- Sellke FW, Kagaya Y, Johnson RG, Shafique T, Schoen FJ, Grossman W, Weintraub RM. Endothelial modulation of the porcine coronary microcirculation perfused via immature collaterals. Am J Physiol. 1992; 262: H1669-H1675.
- Breall JA, Goldberger A, Warren S, Diver D, Sellke FW. Posterior mediastinal masses: rare causes of cardiac compression. Am Heart J 1992; 124: 523-526.
- Sellke FW, Shafique T, Schoen FJ, Weintraub RM. Impaired endothelium-dependent coronary microvascular relaxation following cold potassium cardioplegia and reperfusion. J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surgery 1993; 105: 52-58.
- Banitt PF, Shafique T, Weintraub RM, Johnson RG, Schoen FJ, Sellke FW. Relaxation responses of the coronary microcirculation after cardiopulmonary bypass and ischemic cardioplegia: implications for the treatment of postoperative coronary spasm. J Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 1993; 7: 55-60.
- Reiland-Smith JA, Weintraub RM, Sellke FW, Traumatic aortic valve injury sustained despite the deployment of an automobile air bag. Chest 1993; 103:1603.
- Shafique T, Sellke FW, Thurer RL, Weintraub RM, Johnson RG, Cardiopulmonary bypass and pulmonary thromboxane generation. Ann Thorac Surg 1993; 55: 724-728.
- Sellke FW, Shafique T, Johnson RG, Dai Hai-Bin, Banitt PF, Schoen FJ, Weintraub RM. Blood-and albumin-cardioplegia preserve endothelium-dependent microvascular responses during cardiopulmonary bypass and ischemic arrest. Ann Thorac Surg 1993; 55: 977-985.
- Shafique T, Johnson RG, Dai Hai-Bin, Weintraub RM, Sellke FW. Altered pulmonary microvascular reactivity following total cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surgery 1993; 105:479-486.
- Sellke FW, Dai Hai-Bin. Responses of porcine epicardial venules to neurohumoral substances. Cardiovasc Res 1993; 27: 1326-1332.
- Sellke FW, Shafique T, Ely DL, Weintraub RM. Coronary endothelial injury following cardiopulmonary bypass and ischemic cardioplegia is mediated by oxygen-derived free radicals. Circulation 1993; 88 (part 2): 395-400.
- Sellke FW, Friedman M, Dai HB, Shafique T, Schoen FJ, Weintraub RM, Johnson RG. Mechanisms causing coronary microvascular dysfunction following ischemic cardioplegia and reperfusion. Cardiovascular Research 1993; 27:1925-1932.
- Nunez BD, Miao L, Wang Y, Nunez MM, Sellke FW, Ross JN, Susulic V, Paik GY, Carrozza JP Jr, Morgan JP. Cocaine-induced microvascular spasm in Yucatan miniature swine. In vivo and in vitro evidence of spasm. Circulation Research 1994; 74:281-290.
- Piana RN, Shafique T, Dai H-B, Sellke FW. Epicardial and endocardial coronary microvascular responses. Effects of ischemia reperfusion. J Cardiovasc Pharmacology l994; 23: 539-546.
- Sellke FW, Wang SY, Vandermeer TJ, Fink MP. Escherichia coli endotoxemia alters coronary and pulmonary arteriolar responses to platelet products. Shock 1994; 1:279-285.
- Sellke FW, Friedman M, Wang SY, Piana RN, Dai H-B, Johnson RG. Adenosine and AICA-Riboside fail to enhance microvascular endothelial preservation. Ann Thorac Surg 1994; 58: 200-206.
- Wang SY, VanderMeer TJ, Fink MP, Sellke FW. Uncoupling of coronary microvascular ß2-adrenoceptors by Escherichia coli endotoxemia Surgery 1994; 116: 307-312.
- Harada K, Grossman W, Friedman M,Edelman ER, Prasad PV, Keighley C, Manning WJ Sellke FW, Simons M. Basic fibroblast growth factor improves myocardial function in chronically ischemic porcine hearts. J Clin Invest 1994; 94:623-630.
- Piana RN, Banitt PF, Nunez BD, Dai-H-B, Sellke FW. Coronary microvascular responses following exposure to iodinated contrast media. Investigative Radiology 1994; 29: 877-881.
- Sellke FW,Wang SY, Friedman M, Harada K, Edelman ER, Grossman W, Simons M. Basic FGF enhances endothelium dependent relaxation of the collateral –perfused coronary microcirculation. Am J Physiol l994; 267: Hl303-Hl3ll.
- Park KW, Dai-H-B, Lowenstein E, Darvish A, Sellke FW. Heterogeneous vasomotor responses of rabbit coronary microvessels to isoflurane. Anesthesiology 1994; 81:1190-1197.
- Friedman M, Johnson RG, Wang SY, Dai HB, Thurer RL, Weintraub RM, Sellke FW. Pulmonary microvascular responses to protamine and histamine. Effects of cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surg 1994; 108: 1092-1099.
- Wang SY, Friedman M, Johnson RG, Weintraub RM, Sellke FW. Adrenergic regulation of the coronary microcirculation after extracorporeal circulation and crystalloid cardioplegia. Am J. Physiol (Heart and Circ Physiol) 1994; 267: H2462-H2470.
- Friedman M, Sellke FW, Wang SY, Weintraub RM, Johnson RG. Parameters of pulmonary injury after total and partial cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation 1994; 90: II-262-II-268.
- Wang SY, Nunez BD, Morgan JP, Dai H-B, Ross JN, Sellke FW. Cocaine and the porcine coronary microcirculation: Effects of chronic cocaine exposure and hypercholesterolemia. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth1995; 9: 290-296.
- Friedman M, Wang SY, Sellke, FW, Franklin A, Weintraub RM, Johnson RG. Pulmonary injury after total or partial Cardiopulmonary bypass with thromboxane synthesis inhibition. Ann Thorac Surg 1995; 59: 598-603.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Darvish A, Sellke,FW. Oxygen-derived free radicals mediate isoflurane-induced vasoconstriction of rabbit coronary resistance arteries. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1995; 80: 1163-1167.
- Banitt PF, Dai H-B, Wang SY, Friedman M, Sellke FW. Myogenic and agonist-induced esponses of coronary venules after cold, hyperkalemic cardioplegia. Cardiovasc Res 1995; 29: 827-833.
- Wang SY, Friedman M, Johnson RG, Zeind AJ, Sellke FW. ATP-Sensitive K+ channels mediate post-cardioplegia coronary hyperemia, J. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1995; 110:1073-1082.
- Wang SY, Friedman M, Franklin A, Sellke FW. Myogenic reactivity of coronary resistance arteries after cardiopulmonary bypass and hyperkalemic cardioplegia. Circulation 1995; 92: 1590-1596.
- Johnson RG. Sirois C, Watkins JF, Thurer RL, Sellke FW, Cohn WE, Kuntz RE, Weintraub RM. CABG after Successful PTCA: A case-control study. Ann Thoracic Surg 1995; 59: 1391-1396.
- Sellke FW, Wang SY, Friedman M, Dai H-B, Harada K, Lopez JJ, Simons M. B-adrenergic modulation of the collateral-dependent coronary microcirculation. J. Surg Res 1995; 59: 185-190.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Darvish A, Sellke FW. Isoflurane attenuates cAMP-mediated vasodilation in rat microvessels. Circulation 1995; 92: II 423-II 427.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Sellke, FW. Propofol-associated dilation of rat distal coronary arteries in mediated by multiple agents, including endothelium-derived nitric oxide. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1995; 81: 1191-1196.
- Friedman M, Wang SY, Stahl GL, Johnson RG, Sellke FW. Altered ß-adrenergic and cholinergic pulmonary vascular responses after total cardiopulmonary bypass. J Applied Physiol 1995; 79(6): 1998-2006.
- Pearlman JD, Hibberd MG, Chuang ML, Harada K, Lopez JJ, Gladstone SR, Friedman Sellke FW., Simons M. Magnetic Resonance Mapping Identifies Benefits Related to VEGF-Stimulated Coronary Collateral Angiogenesis. Nature Medicine 1995; 1:1085-1089.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Sellke FW, Vasomotor responses of rat coronary arteries to isoflurane and halothane depend on pre-exposure tone and vessel size. Anesthesiology 1995; 83: 1323-1330.
- Friedman M, Wang SY, Sellke FW, Cohn WE, Weintraub RM, Johnson RG. Neutrophil adhesion blockade with NPC 15669 decreases pulmonary injury after total cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thorac Cardiovasc. Surg 1996; 111: 460-8.
- Harada K, Friedman M, Lopez JJ, Wang SY, Prasad PV, Pearlman JD, Edelman ER, Sellke FW, Simons M. Vascular endothelial growth factor mediated angiogenesis in chronic myocardial ischemia. Am J Physiol (Heart Circulatory Physiol) 1996; 270:H1791-H1802.
- Piana RN, Wang SY, Friedman M, Sellke FW. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition Preserves Endothelium-dependent Microvascular Responses during short-term ischemia-reperfusion. Circulation 1996; 93:544-551.
- Sellke FW, Wang SY, Stamler A, Johnson RG, Cohn WE, Weintraub RM. Changes in autonomic response of the cerebral circulation after normothermic extracorporeal circulation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1996; 111: 450-461.
- Wang SY, Feelisch M, Harrison DG, Sellke FW, Preferential dilation of large coronary microvessels by the mononitrates SPM-4744 and SPM-5185. J. Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1996; 27: 587-593.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Sellke FW. Steady state myogenic response of rat coronary microvessels is preserved by isoflurane, but not by halothane. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1996; 82: 969-974.
- Sellke FW, Wang SY, Stamler A, Lopez JJ, Li J, Li JY, Simons M. Enhanced microvascular relaxations to VEGF and bFGF in chronically-ischemic porcine myocardium. Am J Physiol 1996; 271: H713-H720.
- Dauerman HL, Cutlip DE, Sellke FW. Intracoronary thrombolysis in the treatment of graft closure immediately after CABG. Ann Thorac Surg 1996; 62: 280-283.
- Sellke FW, Li JY, Stamler A, Lopez JJ, Thomas KA, Simons M. Angiogenesis induced by acidic fibroblast growth factor as an alternative method of revascularization for chronic myocardial ischemia. Surgery 1996; 120: 182-188.
- Stamler A, Wang SY, Li JY, Thurer RL, Schoen FJ, Sellke FW. Moderate hypothermia reduces CPB-induced impairment of cerebrovascular responses to platelet products. Ann Thorac Surg 1996; 62: 191-198.
- Lopez JJ, Edelman ER, Stamler A, Morgan JP, Sellke FW, Simons M. Local perivascular administration of basic fibroblast growth factor: drug delivery and toxacologic evaluation. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 1996; 24: 922-924.
- Jain M, Dai H-B, Carrozza J, Sellke FW, Morgan KG. Intrinsic tone as potential vascular reserve in conductance and resistance vessels. Circulation 1996; 94: 1083-1088.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Sellke FW. Protein kinase C-induced contraction is inhibited by halothane, but enhanced by isoflurane. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1996; 83: 286-290.
- Sellke FW, Boyle EM, Verrier ED. Endothelial cell injury in cardiovascular surgery: The pathophysiology of vasomotor dysfunction. Ann Thoracic Surg 1996; 62: 1222-1228.
- Park KW, Lowenstein E, Sellke FW. (letter) Reply to: Vasomotor effects of isoflurane in the coronary circulation (Crystal GJ). Anesthesiology 1996; 84: 1517-1518.
- Park KW, Lowenstein E, Dai H-B, Lopez JJ, Stamler A, Simons M, Sellke FW. Direct vasomotor effects of isoflurane in subepicardial resistance vessels from collateral-dependent and normal circulation of pigs. Anesthesiology 1996; 85: 584-591.
- Stamler A, Wang SY, Aguirre DE, Sellke FW, Johnson RG. Effects of Pentastarch-deferoxamine conjugate on lung injury after cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation 1996; 94: II-358-II-363.
- Wang SY, Stamler A, Tofukuji M, Deuson TE, Sellke FW. Effects of blood and crystalloid cardioplegia on adrenergic and myogenic vascular mechanisms. Ann Thorac Surg 1997; 63: 41-49.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Darvish A, Sellke,FW. Isoflurane and halothane attenuate endothelium-dependent vasodilatation in rat coronary microvessels. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1997; 84: 278-284.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Sellke FW. Isoflurane- and Halothane-mediated dilation of distal bronchi in the rat depends on the epithelium. Anesthesiology 1997; 86: 1078-1087.
- Tofukuji M, Stamler A, Li JY, Franklin A, Wang SY, Hariawala MD, Sellke FW. Effects of magnesium cardioplegia on regulation of the porcine coronary circulation. J Surg Res 1997; 69: 233-239.
- Wang SY, Cameron EM, Fink MP, Sellke FW. Chronic septicemia alters alpha-adrenergic mechanisms in the coronary circulation. J Surg Res 1997; 69: 61-66.
- Wang SY, Stamler A, Li JY, Johnson RG, Sellke FW. Decreased myogenic reactivity in skeletal muscle arterioles after hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. J Surg Res 1997; 69: 40-44.
- Hariawala MD, Deshmukh VV, Sellke FW. Insulin resistance: A common factor in the triad of dyslipidemia, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. Am J Med Sci 1997; 313: 104-106.
- Stamler A, Wang SY, Aguirre DE, Johnson RG, Sellke FW. Cardiopulmonary bypass alters vasomotor regulation of the skeletal muscle microcirculation. Ann Thorac Surg 1997; 64: 460-465.
- Johnson RG, Sirois C, Thurer RL, Sellke FW, Cohn WE, Kuntz RE, Weintraub RM. Predictors of CABG within one year of successful PTCA: A retrospective, case-control study. Ann Thorac Surg 1997; 64: 3-8.
- Lopez JJ, Edelman ER, Stamler A, Hibberd MG, Pottumarthi P, Caputo RP, Carrozza JP, Douglas PS, Sellke FW, Simons M. bFGF in a model of chronic myocardial ischemia: Comparison of angiographic, echocardiographic and coronary flow parameters. J Pharm Exper Ther1997; 282: 385-390.
- Hariawala MD, Sellke FW. Angiogenesis and the heart: Therapeutic implications. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1997; 90: 307-311.
- Sellke FW, Tofukuji M, Stamler A, Li JY, Wang SY. ß–adrenergic regulation of the cerebral microcirculation after hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation 1997; 96: II-304-II310.
- Lopez JJ, Laham RJ, Carrozza JP, Tofukuji M, Sellke FW, Bunting S, Simons M. Hemodynamic effects of intracoronary VEGF delivery-Evidence of tachyphylaxis and NO dependence of response. Am J Physiol (Heart and Circulatory Physiology) 1997; 273: H1317-H1323.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Ojamaa K, Lowenstein E, Klein I, Sellke FW. Direct vasomotor effect of thyroid hormones on rat skeletal muscle resistance arteries. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1997; 85: 734-738.
- Tofukuji M, Stamler A, Li JY, Hariawala MD, Franklin A, Sellke FW. Comparative effects of continuous warm blood and intermittent cold blood cardioplegia on coronary reactivity. Ann Thorac Surg 1997; 64: 1360-1367.
- Tofukuji M, Dessy C, Hariawala MD, Morgan KG, Sellke FW. Magnesium cardioplegia preserves ß-adrenergic regulation and limits calcium influx in the coronary microcirculation. American College of Surgeons Surgical Forum 1997; 48: 331-333.
- Cameron EW, Wang SY, Fink MP. Sellke FW. Mesenteric and skeletal muscle microvascular responsiveness in subacute sepsis. Shock 1998; 9: 184-192.
- Lopez JJ, Edelman ER, Stamler A, Hibberd MG, Prasad P, Thomas KA, Disalvo J, Caputo RP, Carrozza JP, Douglas PS, Sellke FW, Simons M. Angiogenic potential of perivascular delivered aFGF in a porcine model of chronic myocardial ischemia. Am J Physiol 1998; 274: H930-H936.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Sellke FW. Epithelial dependence of the bronchodilatory effect of sevoflurane and desflurane in rat distal bronchi. Anesthesia and Analgesia.1998; 86: 646-651.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Stamler A , Sellke FW. Effect of isoflurane on the ß-adrenergic and endothelium-dependent relaxation of pig cerebral microvessels after cardiopulmonary bypass. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 1998; 7: 168-178.
- Sellke FW, Tofukuji M, Laham RJ, Li JY, Hariawala MD, Bunting S, Simons M. Comparison of VEGF delivery techniques on collateral-dependent microvascular reactivity. Microvasc Res 1998; 55: 175-178.
- Sellke FW, Laham RJ, Edelman ER, Pearlman JD, Simons M. Therapeutic angiogenesis in patients using basic-fibroblast growth factor: Technique and early results. Ann Thorac Surg 1998; 65: 1540-1544.
- Varma N, Sellke FW, Epstein LM. Chronic atrial lead explantation using a staged percutaneous laser and open surgical approach. Pacing and clinical electrophysiology 1998; 21: 1483-1485.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Sellke FW. Flow-induced dilation of rat coronary microvessels is attenuated by isoflurane, but enhanced by halothane. Anesthesiology 1998; 89: 132-142.
- Tofukuji M, Metais C, Wang SY, Alper SL, Sellke FW. Clotrimazole is a potent vasodilator of the rat coronary microcirculation. J Surg Res 1998; 77: 6-10.
- Metais C, Li JY, Li J, Simons M, Sellke FW. Effect of coronary artery disease on expression and microvascular response to VEGF. Am J Physiol (Heart and Circulatory Physiol) 1998; 275: H1411-H1418.
- Tofukuji M, Metais C, Li JY, Hariawala MD, Franklin A, Vassileva C, Li J, Simons M, Sellke FW. Effects of ischemic preconditioning on myocardial perfusion, function and microvascular regulation. Circulation 1998; 98: II-197-205.
- Metais C, Li JY, Haering JM, Cohn WE, Simons M, Sellke FW. Altered microvascular regulation by acute myocardial ischemia. American College of Surgeons Surgical Forum XLIX: 258-260, 1998.
- Tofukuji M, Metais C, Li J, Franklin A, Simons M, Sellke FW. Myocardial VEGF expression after cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegia. Circulation 1998; 98: II-242-246.
- Lopez JJ, Laham RL, Stamler A, Pearlman JD, Bunting S, Kaplan A, Carrozza JP, Sellke FW, Simons M. VEGF administration in chronic myocardial ischemia in pigs. Cardiovasc Res 1998; 40: 272-281.
- Tofukuji M, Stahl GL, Agah A, Metais C, Simons M, Sellke FW. Anti-C5a monoclonal antibody reduces cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegia-induced coronary endothelial dysfunction. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1998; 116: 1060-1068.
- Laham RJ, Simons M, Tofukuji M, Hung D, Sellke FW. Modulation of myocardial perfusion and vascular reactivity by pericardial basic fibroblast growth factor: Insight into ischemia-induced reduction in endothelium-dependent relaxation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1998; 116: 1022-1028.
- Sellke FW, Richter HW, Dunphy G, Azodi M, Ely DL. Twenty-four hour heart preservation using continuous cold perfusion and copper (II) complexes. J Surg Res 1998; 80: 171-176.
- Tofukuji M, Metais C, Collard CD, Morse DS, Stahl GL, Nelson DP, Li J, Simons M, Sellke FW. Effect of sialyl Lewisx-oligosaccharide on myocardial and cerebral injury in the pig. Ann Thorac Surg 1999; 67: 112-119.
- Sellke FW, Park KY, Lowenstein E. (letter): Vascular effects of isoflurane: no inconsistency between data. Anesthesiology 1999; 90: 919-920.
- Bianchi C, Sellke FW, Del Vecchio R, Tonks NK, Neel BG. Receptor-type protein-tyrosine phosphatase µ (RPTPµ) is expressed in specific vascular endothelial beds in vivo. Experimental Cell Research 1999; 248: 329-338.
- Matsuda N, Tofukuji M, Morgan KG, Sellke FW. Coronary microvascular protection with magnesium: Effects on intracellular calcium and vascular function. Am J Physiol 1999; 276: H1124-H1130.
- Park KW, Dai H-B, Lowenstein E, Sellke FW. Effect of sevoflurane and desflurane on the myogenic contraction and flow-induced dilation in rat coronary arterioles. Anesthesiology 1999; 90: 1422-1427.
- Dunphy G, Richter HW, Azodi M, Weigand J, Sadri F, Sellke F, Ely D. The effects of mannitol, albumin and cardioplegia enhancers on twenty-four hour rat heart preservation. Am J Physiol 1999; 276: H1591-H1598.
- Laham RJ, Rezaee M, Post M, Sellke FW, Hung D, Simons M. Intracoronary and intravenous administration of basic fibroblast growth factor: Myocardial and tissue distribution. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 1999; 27: 821-826.
- Park KW, Tofukuji M, Metais C, Comunale M, Dai HB, Simons M, Stahl GL, Agah A, Sellke FW. Attenuation of endothelium-dependent dilation of pig pulmonary arterioles following cardiopulmonary bypass is mediated by complement C5a. Anesthesia and Analgesia 1999; 89: 42-48.
- Matsuda N, Tofukuji M, Morgan KG, Sellke FW. Influence of oxygenation on endothelial modulation of coronary vasomotor function during hyperkalemic cardioplegia. Surgery 1999; 126: 264-271.
- Tofukuji M, Matsuda N, Dessy C, Morgan KG, Sellke FW. Intracellular free calcium accumulation in ferret vascular smooth muscle during crystalloid and blood cardioplegic infusions. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1999; 118: 163-172.
- Cohn WE, Sellke FW, Sirois C, Johnson RG. Surgical intensive care unit recidivism after cardiac operation. Chest 1999; 116: 688-692.
- Laham RJ, Sellke FW, Edelman ER, Pearlman JD, Ware JA, Brown D, Gold J, Simons M. Local perivascular delivery of basic fibroblast growth factor in patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery: Results of a phase 1 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Circulation 1999; 100: 1865-1871.
- Matsuda N, Morgan KG, Sellke FW. Preconditioning improves cardioplegia-related coronary microvascular smooth muscle hypercontractility: Role of KATP channels. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surgery 1999; 118: 438-445.
- Metais C, Li JY, Li J, Simons M, Sellke FW. Serotonin-induced coronary contraction increases after blood cardioplegia-reperfusion: Role of COX-2 expression. Circulation 1999; 100: II-328-II334.
- Matsuda N, Morgan KG, Sellke FW. Preconditioning inhibits Ca2+ accumulation in coronary smooth muscle and prevents vasospasm during and after hyperkalemic cardioplegia through a KATP channel mechanism. American College of Surgeons Surgical Forum 1999; vol. L: 91-92.
- Tofukuji M, Stahl GL, Metais C, Tomita M, Agah A, Bianchi C, Fink MP, Sellke FW. Mesenteric dysfunction after cardiopulmonary bypass: Role of complement C5a. Ann Thorac Surg 2000; 69: 799-807.
- Li J, Post M, Volk R, Gao Y, Li Min, Metais C, Sato K, Tsai J, Aird W, Rosenberg RD, Hampton TG, Li JY, Sellke F, Carmeliet P, Simons M. Novel peptide regulator of angiogenesis. Nature Medicine 2000; 6: 49-55.
- Laham RJ, Rezaee M, Post M, Novicki D, Sellke FW, Pearlman JD, Simons M, Hung D. Intrapericardial delivery of fibroblast growth factor-2 induces neovascularization in a porcine model of chronic myocardial ischemia. J Pharm Exp Ther 2000; 292: 795-802.
- Park KW, Sato K, Dai HB, Comunale ME, Sellke FW. Epithelium-dependent bronchodilation is preserved in pig bronchi following normothermic CPB. Anesthesia and Analgesia 2000; 90: 778-783.
- Park KW, Hai H-B, Comunale M, Gopal A, Sellke FW. Dilation by isoflurane of preconstricted very small arterioles from human right atrium is mediated by KATP channel-opening. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2000; 91: 76-81.
- Matsuda N, Morgan KG, Sellke FW. Effects of pinacidil on coronary Ca 2+ - myosin phosphorylation pathway in a cold potassium cardioplegia model. Am J Physiol 2000; 279: H882-H888.
- Dessy C, Matsuda N, Hulvershorn J, Sougnez CL, Sellke FW, Morgan KG. Evidence for involvement of the PKC alpha isoform in myogenic contraction of the coronary microcirculation. Am J Physiology 2000; 279: H916-H923.
- Matsuda N, Sellke FW. Regulation of coronary myoplasmic Ca 2+ - myosin phosphorylation and vasomotor tone: Hyperpolarizing vs depolarizing cardioplegia. Surgery 2000; 128: 185-191.
- Sato K, Li JY, Metais C, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Increased pulmonary vascular contraction to serotonin after cardiopulmonary bypass: Role of inducible cyclooxygenase. J Surg Res 2000; 90: 138-143.
- Bianchi C, Sellke FW. COS cells expression cloning of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins by immunocytochemistry. J Histochem Cytochem 2000; 48: 1097-1101.
- Sato K, Wu T, Laham RJ, Pearlman JD, Sellke FW, Simons M, Post MJ. Efficacy of intracoronary versus venous FGF-2 in a pig model of chronic myocardial ischemia. Ann Thoracic Surg 2000; 70: 2113-2118.
- Simons M, Bonow RO, Chronos N, Cohen DJ, Giordano F, Hammond HK, Laham RJ, Li W, Pike M, Sellke FW, Stegmann T, Udelson JE, Rosengart T. Clinical Trials in coronary angiogenesis-Issues, Problems, Consensus- Expert panel summary. Circulation 2000; 102(11): E73-E86.
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- Maynard SE, Min J-Y, Merchan J, Lim K-H, Li JY, Mondal S, Libermann T, Morgan JP, Sellke FW, Stillman IE, Epstein FH, Sukhatme VP, Karumanchi SA. Excess placental sFLT-1 contributes to endothelial dysfunction, hypertension and proteinuria of pre-eclampsia. J Clin Invest 2003; 111: 649-658
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- Voisine P, Ruel M, Khan TA, Bianchi C, Xu S-H, Kohane I, Libermann TA, Otu H, Saltiel AR, Sellke FW. Differences in Gene Expression Profiles of Diabetic and Non-diabetic Patients Undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Cardioplegic Arrest. Circulation 2004; 110: II-280-II-286
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- Voisine P, Bianchi C, Khan TA, Ruel M, Xu S-H, Li JY, Malik T, Rosinberg A, Sellke FW. Normaization of coronary microvascular reactivity and improvement in myocardial perfusion by surgical VEGF therapy combined with oral supplementation of L-arginine in a porcine model of endothelial dysfunction. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005 Jun; 129 (6): 1414-20
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- Feng J, Bianchi C, Sandmeyer JL, Sellke FW. Bradykinin Preconditioning Improves the Profile of Cell Survival Proteins and Limits Apoptosis after Cardioplegic Arrest. Circulation. 2005;112(9 Suppl):I190-5
- Feng J, Bianchi, C, Sandmeyer JL, Li, JY, Sellke FW. Molecular Indices of Apoptosis after Intermittent Blood and Crystalloid Cardioplegia. Circulation 2005;112(9 Suppl):I184-9
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- Laham RJ, Post M, Donnell-Fink L, Wykrykowska JJ, Lee SU, Baim DS, Sellke FW. Transendocardial and trans-epicardial FGF-2 administration: Myocardial and tissue distribution. Drug Metabolism and Disposition. 2005; 33(8):1101-7
- Boodhwani M, Cohn WE, Feng, J Ramlawi B, Mieno S, Schwarz A, Sellke FW. Safety and efficacy of a novel gel for vascular occlusion in off-pump surgery. Ann Thorac Surgery 2005; 80: 2333-37
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- Boodhwani M, Rubens FD, Sellke FW, Ruel M. Mortality and myocardial infarction following surgical versus percutaneous revascularization of isolated left anterior descending artery disease: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 2006; 29(1):65-70
- Liddicoat JR, Delatorre R, Ho KL, Nathan S, Levitsky S, Krempin J, Sellke FW. Initial impact of drug-eluting stents on coronary artery bypass surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 2006; 81(4): 1239-42
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- Boodhwani M, Nakai Y, Voisine P, Feng J, Li J, Mieno S, Ramlawi B, Bianchi C, Laham RJ, Sellke FW. High Dose Atorvastatin Improves Hypercholesterolemic Coronary Endothelial Dysfunction Without Improving the Angiogenic Response. Circulation. 2006; 114 (Suppl I): 402-408
- Mieno S, Ramlawi B, Boodhwani M, Clements RT, Minamimura K, Maki T, Li J, Sellke FW. Role of stromal derived factor-1 alpha in the induction of circulating CD34+CXCR4+ progenitor cells after cardiac surgery. Circulation. 2006; 2006; 114 (Suppl I): 186-192
- Boodhwani M, Feng J, Mieno S, Ramlawi B, Clements R, Sellke FW. Effects of purified poloxamer 407 gel on vascular occlusion and the coronary endothelium. European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery. 2006; 29(1): 65-70. Epub 2005 Dec 7.
- Ramlawi B, Feng J, Mieno S, Szabo C, Zsengeller Z, Clements R, Sodha N, Boodhwani M, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Indices of apoptosis after blood cardioplegia and cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation. 2006; 114 (Suppl I): 257-263
- Mieno S, Boodhwani M, Ramlawi B, Li JY, Feng J, Bianchi C, Laham RJ, Li J, Sellke FW. Human coronary microvascular effects of cardioplegia-induced stromal-deried factor-1alpha. Ann Thorac Surg 2006; 82: 657-63
- Ramlawi B, Rudolph JL, Mieno S, Feng J, Boodhwani M, Khabbaz K, Levkoff SE, Marcantonio ER, Bianchi C, Sellke, FW. C reactive protein and inflammatory response associated to neurocognitive decline following cardiac surgery. Surgery 2006; 140: 221-622
- Feng J, Sellke ME, Ramlawi B, Boodhwani, M, Clements R, Li JY, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Bradykinin Induces Microvascular Preconditioning Via Opening of Calcium-Activated Potassium Channels. Surgery 2006; 140: 192-197
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- Boodhwani M, Lam BK, Nathan HJ, Mesana TG, Ruel M, Zeng W, Sellke FW, Rubens FD. Skeletonized internal thoracic artery harvest reduces pain and dysesthesia and improves sternal perfusion after cononary artery bypass surgery. A randomized, double-blind study. Circulation 2006 ; 114: 766-73
- Boodhwani M, Mieno S, Ramlawi B, Clements R, Sellke FW. High-dose Atorvastatin is Associated with Impaired Myocardial Angiogenesis in Response to Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Hypercholesterolemic Swine. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006; 132: 1299-306
- Ramlawi B, Rudolph JL, Mieno S, Khabbaz K, Sodha N, Boodhwani M, Levkoff SE, Marcantonio ER, Sellke FW. Serologic markers of brain injury and cognitive function after cardiopulmonary bypass. Annals of Surgery 2006; 244: 593-601
- Mieno S, Boodhwani M, Clements RT, Ramlawi B, Li J, Sellke FW. Aging is associated with an impaired coronary microvascular response to vascular endothelial growth factor in patients. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2006; 132: 1348-55
- Khan TA, Bianchi C, Ruel M, Feng J, Li JY, Sellke FW. Differential effects on the mesenteric microcirulatory response to vasopressin and phenylephrine after cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thor Cardiovasc Surg 2007; 133: 682-688
- Ramlawi B, Scott JR, Feng J, Mieno S, Raman KG, Boodhwani M, Chin BY, Otterbein LE, Bach FH, Sellke FW. Inhaled carbon monoxide prevents intimal hyperplasia in porcine model. Journal of Surgical Research 2007; 138: 121-127
- Ramlawi B, Otu H, Rudolph JL, Mieno S, Kohane IS, Can H, Libermann TA, Marcantonio ER, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Genomic expression pathways associated to brain injury after cardiopulmonary bypass. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2007 Oct;134(4):996-1005
- Sodha N, Feng J, Clements R, Bianchi C, Boodhwani M, Ramlawi B, Mieno S, Sellke FW. Protein kinase C alpha modulates microvascular reactivity in the human coronary and skeletal muscle microcirculation. Surgery 2007; 142: 243-252
- Boodhwani M, Sodha NR, Mieno S, Xu S-H, Feng J, Ramlawi B, Clements RT, Sellke FW. Functional, Cellular, and Molecular Characterization of the Angiogenic Response to Chronic Myocardial Ischemia in Diabetes. Circulation, 2007 116(11) suppl I:I-31-I-37
- Boodhwani M, Mieno S, Feng J, Sodha N, Clements R, Xu S-H, Sellke FW. Atorvastatin impairs the myocardial angiogenic response to chronic ischemia in normocholesterolemic swine. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2008 Jan;135(1):117-22
- Rudolph JL, Ramlawi B, Kuchel GA, McElhaney JE, Xie D, Sellke FW, Levkoff SE, Marcantonio ER. Chemokines are associated with delerium after cardiac surgery. The Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 2008 Feb;63(2):184-9.
- Ramlawi B, Otu H, Mieno S, Sodha S, Clements RT, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Oxidative stress and atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery: A case-control study. Ann Thorac Surg, 2007; 84: 1166-1173
- Sodha N, Boodhwani M, Xu S-H, Ramlawi B, Mieno S, Feng J, Clements RT, Bianchi C. Sellke FW. Atorvastatin increases myocardial indices of oxidative stress in a porcine model of hypercholesterolemia and chronic ischemia. J Cardiac Surg 2008; 23, (4), 312-320
- Feng J, Yano K, Monahan-Earley R, Morgan ES, Dvorak AM, Sellke FW, Aird WC. Vascular bed-specific endothelium-dependent vasomotor relaxation in the Hagfish, Myxine Glutinosa. American Journal of Physiology 2007 ;293(2):R894-900
- Sodha NR, Boodhwani M, Clements RT, Xu S-H, , Khabbaz KR, Sellke FW. Increased Antiangiogenic Protein Expression in the Skeletal Muscle of Diabetic Swine and Patients. Archives of Surgery. Arch Surg. 2008;143(5):463-470
- Sodha N, Clements R, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Cardiopulmonary Bypass with Cardioplegic Arrest Activates Protein Kinase C in the Human Myocardium. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2008; 206: 33-41
- Sodha NR, Boodhwani M, Clements RT, Feng J, Xu S-X, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Coronary microvascular dysfunction in the setting of chronic ischemia is independent of arginase activity. Microvascular Research. 2008 Mar;75(2):238-46
- Khabbaz KR, Feng J, Boodhwani M, Clements R, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Non-ischemic myocardial acidosis adversely affects microvascular and myocardial function and triggers apoptosis during cardioplegia. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2008 Jan;135(1):139-46.
- Boodhwani M, Sodha NR, Mieno S, Xu S-H, Feng J, Clements RT, Ruel M, Sellke FW. Insulin Treatment Enhances the Myocardial Angiogenic Response in Diabetes. Journal Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007; 134: 1453-1460
- Clements RT, Sodha NR, Mieno S, Boodhwani M, Ramlawi B, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Phosphorylation and translocation of heat shock protein 27 and alpha-beta crystalline in human myocardium after cardioplegia and cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surgery. 2007; 134: 1461-1470
- Ruel M, Beanlands RS, Chan V, deCamp RA, Lortie M, Rubens FD, Suuronen EJ, DaSilva JN, Sellke FW, Stewart DJ, Mesana TG. Concomitant treatment of oral L-arginine improves the efficacy of surgical angiogenesis in patients with severe coronary artery disease: The endothelial modulation in angiogenic therapy (EMAT) randomized controlled trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2008; 135: 762 - 770
- Voisine P, Rosenberg A, Wykrzykowska JJ, Shamis Y, Wu GF, Appelbaum E, Li J, Sellke FW, Pinto D, Gibson CM, Mitrani E, Laham RJ. Skin-Derived Micro-organ Auto-transplantation as a Novel Approach for Therapeutic Angiogenesis.Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2008 Jan;294(1):H213-9
- Mieno S, Clements RT, Boodhwani M, Sodha NR, Ramlawi B, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Characteristics and Function of Cryopreserved Bone Marrow Derived Endothelial Progenitor Cells. Ann Thorac Surg, 2008; 85:1361-6
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- Wu GF, Wykrzykowska JJ, Rana JS, Pinto DS, Gibson CM, Li J, Sellke FW, Laham RJ. Effect of B-type natriuretic peptide (Nesiritide) on coronary epicardial arteries, systemic vasculature and microvessels. J Invasive Cardiol 2008; 20(2):76-80
- Boodhwani M, Voisine P, Ruel M, Sodha NR, Feng J, Xu SH, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Comparison of vascular endothelial growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-2 in a swine model of endothelial dysfunction. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2008, 33: 645-650
- Liu Y, Sellke EW, Feng J, Clememts RT, Sodha NR, Khabbaz KR, Senthilnathan V, Alper SL, Sellke FW. Calcium-activated Potassium Channels Contribute to Human Skeletal Muscle Microvascular Endothelial Dysfunction related to cardiopulmonary bypass. Surgery 2008; 144: 239-244
- Feng J, Liu Y, Clements RT, Sodha N, Khabbaz K, Sentilnathan V, Nishimura K, Alper SL, Sellke FW. Calcium-activated potassium channels contribute to human coronary microvascular dysfunction after cardioplegic arrest. Circulation 2008; 118[suppl 1]:S46-S51
- Sodha NR, Clements RT, Feng J, Liu Y, Bianchi C, Horvath EM, Szabo C, Sellke FW. Exogenous sulfide reduces myocardial apoptosis in response to ischemia-reperfusion injury. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2008; 33(5):906-13
- Iqbal MP, Sharif HM, Mehboobali N, Yousuf FA, Khan AH, Sellke FW. N-Acetyl-B-D-Glucosaminidase and Inflammatory response after Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2008, Vol. 18(2): 74-7
- Clements RT, Smejkal MS, Sodha NR, Ivanov AR, Asara J, Feng J, Lazarev A, Gautam S, Senthilnathan V, Khabbaz KR, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Pilot profile of differentially regulated proteins in atrial myocardium before and after cardiac surgery utilizing cardioplegia and cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation 2008; 118[suppl 1]:S24-S31
- Sodha NR, Clements RT, Feng J, Liu Y, Bianchi C, Horvath EM, Szabo C, Stahl GL, Sellke FW. Hydrogen Sulfide Therapy Attenuates the Inflammatory Response in Porcine Model of Myocardial Ischemia – Reperfusion Injury. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovasular Surgery. 2009; 138: 977-984
- Clements RT, Sodha NR, Feng J, Boodhwani M, Liu Y, Mieno S, Khabbaz K, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Impaired coronary vasodilation correlates with enhanced smooth muscle MLC phosphorylation in type I and 2 Diabetes. Microvascular Research. 2009 Feb;16(2):193-206
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- Rudolph JL, Jones, RN, Levkoff SE, Rockett, C, Inouye SK, Sellke FW, Khuri, SF, Lipsitz LA, Ramlawi B, Levitsky S, Marcantonio ER. Derivation and Validation of a Preoperative Prediction Rule for Delirium after Cardiac Surgery. Circulation 2009 Jan 20;119(2):229-36
- Sodha NR, Clements RT, Boodhwani M, Xu SH, Laham RL, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Endostatin and Angiostatin are Increased in Diabetic Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and Associated with Impaired Coronary Collateral Formation. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2009 Feb;296(2):H428-34
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- Feng J, Liu Y, Khabbaz KR, Osipov RM, Sodha NR, Hagberg R, Alper SL, Sellke FW. Large conductance of calcium-activated potassium channels contribute to the reduced myogenic tone of peripheral microvasculature after cardiopulmonary bypass. J Surg Res 2009 Nov;157(1):123-8
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- Osipov RM, Bianchi C, Clements RT, Feng J, Liu Y, Xu SH, Robich MP, Wagstaff J, Sellke FW. Thrombin Fragment (TP508) Decreases Myocardial Infarction and Apoptosis After Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. Ann Thorac Surg. 2009 Mar;87(3):786-93
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- Osipov RM, Robich MP, Bianchi C, Feng J, Clements RT, Liu Y, Glazer HP, Sellke FW. The effect of thrombin fragment (TP508) on myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in the setting of hypercholesterolemia. J Applied Physiology 2009 Jun;106(6):1993-2001.
- Glazer HP, Osipov RM, Clements RT, Sellke FW, Bianchi C. Hypercholesterolemia is associated with hyperactive cardiac mTorC1 and m TORC2 signaling. Cell Signaling 2009 Jun 1;8(11):1738-46
- Surgenor SD, Kramer RS, Olmstead EM, Ross CS, Sellke FW, et al. The association of perioperative red blood cell transfusions and decreased long-term survival after cardiac surgery. Anesthesia and Analgesis. 2009 Nov-Dec;24(6):772-80
- Ramlawi B, Otu H, Novick RJ, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Aprotinin attenuates genomic expression variability following cardiac surgery. J Cardiac Surgery 2009 Nov-Dec;24(6):772-80
- Suuronen EJ, Hazra S, Zhang P, Vincent R, Kumarathansen P, Zhang Y, Price J, Chan V, Sellke FW, Mesana TG, Veinot JP, Ruel M. Impairment of human cell-based vasculogenesis in rats by hypercholesterolemia-induced endothelial dysfunction and rescue by l-arginine supplementation. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2010; 139: 209 - 216
- Gill R, Herbertson M, Vuylsteke A, Olsen PS, von Heymann C, Mythen M, Sellke F, Booth F, Schmidt TA. Safety and efficacy of recombinant activated factor VII: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial in the setting of bleeding following cardiac surgery. Circulation 2009 Jul 7;120(1):21-7.
- Wykrzykowska JJ, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Impact of aging on the angiogenic potential of the myocardium: Implications for angiogenic therapies with emphasis on sirtuin agonists. Recent patents on cardiovascular drug discovery 2009 Jun;4(2):119-32
- Osipov RM, Robich MP, Feng J, Liu Y, Clements RT, Glazer HP, Sodha NR, Szabo C, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Effect of Hydrogen Sulfide in a Porcine Model of Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion: Comparison of Different Administration Regimens and Characterization of the Cellular Mechanisms of Protection. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2009 Oct;54(4):287-97
- Robich MP, Araujo EG, Feng J, Osipov RM, Clements RT, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Altered coronary microvascular serotonin receptor expression after coronary artery bypass grafting utilizing cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010; 139: 1033 - 1040
- Feng J, Liu Y, Khabbaz KR, Hagberg R, Osipov RM, Sodha NR, Sellke FW. Endothelin-1 induced contractile responses of human coronary arterioles via endothelin-A recepotors and PKCa signalling pathways. Surgery 2010;147(6):798-804
- Song Q, An X, Li D, Boodhwani M, Tian Y, Sellke FW, Li J. Hyperglycermia attenuates angiogenic capability of survivin in endothelial cells. Microvasc Res 2009 Dec;78(3):257-64
- Nolan JP, Neumar RW, Adrie C, Aibiki M, Berg RA, Bbttiger BW, Callaway C, Clark RS, Geocadin RG, Jauch EC, Kern KB, Laurent I, Longstreth WT, Merchant RM, Morley P, Morrison LJ, Nadkarni V, Peberdy MA, Rivers EP, Rodriguez-Nunez A, Sellke FW, Spaulding C, Sunde K, Hoek TV. Post-cardiac arrest syndrome: Epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and prognostication: Int Emerg Nurs. 2009 Oct;17(4):203-25.
- Rodriguez R, Robich MP, Plate JF, Trooskin SZ, Sellke FW. Gastrointestinal Complications following cardiac surgery: A comprehensive review. J Cardiac Surgery 2010; 25: 188-197
- Osipov RM, Robich M, Feng J, Chan V, Clements RT, Deyo RJ, Szabo C, Sellke FW. Effect of hydrogen sulfide on myocardial protection in the setting of cardioplegia and cardiopulmonary bypass. Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. 2010;10(4):506-12
- Oyamada S, Bianchi C, Takai S, Robich MP, Clements RT, Chu L. Sellke FW. Impact of acute ischemia reperfusion on tissue and blood-born rennin-angiotensin system. Basic Res Cardiol 2010; 105: 513-522.
- Robich MP, Chu LM, Chaudray M, Nezafat R, Han Y, Clements RT, Laham RJ, Manning WJ, Coady MA, Sellke FW. Anti-angiogenic effect of high-dose resveratrol in a swine model of metabolic syndrome. Surgery 2010; 148: 453-462
- Coady MA, Ikonomidis JS, Cheung AT, Matsumato AH, Dake MD, Chaikof EL, Cambria RP, Mora-Mangano CT, Sundt TM, Sellke FW; on behalf of the American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia: Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease. Surgical Management of Descending Thoracic Aortic Disease: Open and Endovascular Approaches: A Statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation 2010; 121: 2780-2804.
- Honig MR, Sellke FW. Insulin resistance is associated with increased cholesterol synthesis, decreased cholesterol absorption and enhanced lipid response to statin therapy. Atherosclerosis 2010; 211: 260-265
- Wykrzykowska JJ, Rosinberg A, Lee SU, Voisine P, Wu G, Applebaum E, Boodhwani M, Bianchi C, Sellke FW, Laham RJ. Autologous myotissue implant promotes myocardial regeneration, decreases infarct size and improves left ventricular function. Circulation 2011 Jan 4;123(1):62-9
- Robich MP, Osipiov RM, Nezafat R, Feng J, Clements RT, Bianchi C, Boodhwani M, Coady MA, Laham RJ, Sellke FW. Reservatrol improves myocardial perfusion in a swine model of hypercholesterolemia and chronic myocardial ischemia. Circulation 2010; 122 (11 suppl): S142-149
- Sellke FW, Chu LM, Cohn WE. The current state of surgical myocardial revascularization. Circulation Journal 2010; 25: 1031-1037.
- Oyamada S, Osipov R, Bianchi C, Robich MP, Feng J, Liu Y, Burgess TA, Bell TM, Sheller MR, Sellke FW. Effect of dimerized thrombin fragment TP508 on acute myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in hypercholesterolemic swine. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 2010; 334: 449-459
- Feng J, Liu Y, Robich MP, Khabbaz KR, Hagberg R, Clements RT, Osipov RM, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Impaired Contractile Response of Human Peripheral Arterioles to Endothelin-1 After Cardiopulmonary Bypass. Circulation 2010; 122 (11 suppl): S150-155
- Chu L, Osipov RM, Robich MP, Oyamada S, Feng J, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Is hyperglycemia bad for the heart during acute ischemic injury? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010; 148: 453-462
- Mieno S, Boodhwani M, Robich MP, Clements RT, Sodha NR, Sellke FW. Effects of diabetes mellitus on VEGF-induced proliferation response in bone marrow derived endothelial progenitor cells. J Cardiac Surg 2010; 25: 618-625.
- Feng J, Liu Y, Khabbaz KR, Hagberg R, Robich MP, Clements RT, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Decreased contractile response to endothelin-1 of peripheral microvasculature from diabetic patients. Surgery 2011; 149: 247-252
- Chu LM, Osipov RM, Robich MP, Oyamada S, Feng J, Sheller MR, Sellke FW. The effect of thrombin fragment (TP508) on myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in a model of type 1 diabetes. Circulation 2010; 122 (11 suppl): S162-169.
- Feng J, Damrauer SM, Lee M, Sellke FW, Ferran CJ, Abid R. Endothelium-dependent coronary vasodilatation requires NADPH Oxidase-derived ROS. Atherosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 2010; 30: 1703-1710
- Robich MP, Osipov RM, Chu LM, Feng J, Burgess TA, Oyamada S, Clements RT, Laham RJ, Sellke FW. Temporal and special changes in collateral formation and function during chronic myocardial ischemia. J American College of Surgeons 2010; 211: 470-480
- Kuraitis D, Suuronen EJ, Sellke FW. Ruel M. The future of regenerating the myocardium: Towards clinical applications. Curr Opin Cardiol Nov 2010; 25: 575-582
- Robich MP, Chu LM, Feng J, Burgess TA, Laham RJ, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Effects of selective cyclooxygenase-2 and non-selective COX inhibition on ischemic myocardium. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010; 140: 1143-1152
- Robich MP, Matyal R, Chu LM, Feng J, Xu S-H, Laham RJ, Hess PE, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Effects of neuropeptide Y on collateral development in a swine model of chronic myocardial ischemia. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2010; 49: 1022-1030
- Robich MP, Chu LM, Burgess TA, Feng J, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Effects of selective cyclooxygenase-2 and non-selective COX inhibition on myocardial function and perfusion. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2011: 57: 122-130
- Ma X, Oyamada S, Gao F, Wu T, Robich MP, Wu H, Wang X, Buchholz B, McCarthy S, Gu Z, Bianchi CF, Sellke FW, Laham R. Paclitaxel/Sirolimus Combination Coated Drug-eluting Stent: In Vitro and In Vivo Drug Release Studies. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2011; 54: 807-811
- Oyamada S, Ma X, Bucholz B, Bianchi C, Sellke FW, Robich MP, Wu T, Wang X, McCarthy S. Laham RJ. Trans-iliac rat aorta stenting: A novel high throughput preclinical stent model for restenosis. J Surg Res. 2011; 166: e91-95
- Dobrilovic N, Legolvan M, Singh A, Sellke FW. Massive Cardiac Fibroma. J Cardiac Surg. 2011; 26: 159-161
- Burgess TA, Robich MP, Chu LM, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Resveratrol improves glucose metabolism in a swine model of metabolic syndrome through alterations of signaling pathways in the liver and skeletal muscle. Arch Surg 2011;146(5):556-64
- Ma X, Oyamada S, Wu T, Robich MP, Wu H, Wang X, Buchholz B, McCarthy S, Bianchi CF, Sellke FW, Laham R. In vitro and in vivo degradation of poly(D, L-lactide-co-glycolide)/amorphous calcium phosphate copolymer coated on metal stents. J Biomed Mater Res 2011; 96: 632-638
- Clements RT, Cordeiro B, Feng J, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. p38-MAPK-dependent Heat Shock Protein 27 (HSP27) and αB-crystallin (cryAB) Phosphorylation in Regulation of Myocardial Function Following Cardioplegic Arrest. AJP-Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 2011: 200: H1669-1677.
- Robich MP, Osipov RM, Chu LM, Han Y, Feng J, Nezafat R, Clements RT, Manning WJ, Sellke FW. Resveratrol modifies risk factors for coronary artery disease in swine with metabolic syndrome and myocardial ischemia. European J of Pharmacology 2011 Aug 16;664(1-3):45-53
- Gorelick PB, Scuteri A, Black SE, DeCarli C; Greenberg SM, Iadecola C, Launer LJ, Laurent S, Lopez OL, Nyenhuis D, Petersen RC, Schneider JA, Tzourio C, Arnett DK, Bennett DA, Chui, HC, Higashida RT, Lindquist R, Nilsson PM, Roman GC, Sellke FW, Seshadri S, on behalf of the American Heart Association Stroke Council, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, Council on Cardiovascular Nursing, Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Intervention and Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia. Vascular Contributions to Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. A Statement for Healthcare Professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Stroke 2011; 42: 2672-2713
- Ranucci M, Aronson S, Dietrich W, Dyke CM, Holfman A, Karkouti K, Murphy GJ, Sellke FW. Shore-Lesserson L, von Heyman C. Patient blood management during cardiac surgery: Do we have enough evidence for clinical practice? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2011 Aug;142(2):249.e1-249.e32
- Feng J, Liu Y, Chu LM, Clements RT, Khabbaz KR, Robich MP, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Thromboxane induced contractile response of human coronary arterioles is diminished post-cardioplegic arrest. Ann Thorac Surg 2011 92(3):829-36.
- Chu LM, Robich MP, Lassaletta AD, Feng J, Xu S-H, Heinl R, Liu Y, Sellke E, Sellke FW. High fat diet alters prostaglandin balance and perfusion in ischemic myocardium of naproxen-treated swine. Surgery 2011 Sep;150(3):490-6
- Feng J, Liu Y, Singh AK, Dobrilovic N, Feng WC, Chu LM, Robich MP, Khabbaz KR, Sellke FW. Impaired contractile response of human peripheral arterioles to thromboxane A2 after cardiopulmonary bypass. Surgery 2011 Aug;150(2):263-71
- Chu LM, Robich MP, Lassaletta AD, Feng J, Clements RT, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Resveratrol abrogates pro-angiogenic effects of intramyocardial VEGF in a hypercholesterolemic swine model of chronic ischemia. Surgery 2011 Sep;150(3):390-9. Epub 2011 Jul 23.
- Clements RT, Cordiero B, Feng J, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Rottlerin increases cardiac contractile performance and coronary perfusion following cold cardioplegic arrest in isolated hearts. Circulation 2011 Sep 13;124(11 Suppl):S55-61
- Chu LM, Robich MP, Lassaletta AD, Burgess T, Liu Y, Sellke N, Sellke FW. Hypercholesterolemia and chronic ischemia alter myocardial responses to selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2011 Sep;142(3):675-81.
- Oyamada S, Bianchi C, Takai S, Chu LM, Sellke FW. Chymase inhibition reduces infarction and matrix metalloproteinase-9 activation and attenuates inflammation and fibrosis following acute myocardial ischemia/reperfusion. J Pharm Exp Ther 2011;339(1):143-512011 Oct;339(1):143-5
- Chu LM, Robich MP, Bianchi C, Feng J, Liu Y, Shu-Hua X, Burgess T, Sellke FW. Effects of cyclooxygenase inhibition on cardiovascular function in a hypercholesterolemic swine model of chronic ischemia. American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2012; 302: H479-H488
- Stamou SC, Robich MP, Wolf RE, Lovett A, Normand S-L T, Sellke FW. Effects of gender and ethnicity on outcomes after aortic valve replacement. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012; 144: 486-492
- Messmer-Blust AF, Zhang C, Shie JL, Song Q, He P, Lubenec I, Liu Y, Sellke F, Li J. Related transcriptional enhancer factor 1 increases endothelial-dependent microvascular relaxation and proliferation. J Vasc Res 2012 Mar 15;49(3):249-259
- Lassaletta AD, Chu LM, Sellke FW. Effects of alcohol consumption on pericardial adhesions in hypercholesterolemic swine. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg in 2012: 143: 953-959
- Ng T, Chern H, Ryder BA, Sellke FW, Harrington DT, Cioffi WG. The effect of leukocyte-depleted blood transfusion on survival in resected early stage lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2102: 143: 815-819.
- Robich MP, Hagberg R, Schermerhorn ML, Pomposelli FB, Nilson MC, Gendron ML, Sellke FW, Rodriguez R. Hypothermia Severely Effects Performance of Nitinol Based Endografts in vitro. Ann Thorac Surg 2012: 93: 1223-1227
- Dobrilovic N, Fingleton JG, Maslow A, Machan J, Feng W, Casey P, Sellke FW, Singh AK. Midterm outcomes of patients undergoing aortic valve replacement after previous coronary artery bypass grafting. European J Cardiothorac Surg 2012: 42: 819-824
- Lassaletta AD, Chu LM, Robich MP, Burgess T, Laham RJ, Sturek M, Sellke FW. Overfed Ossabaw swine with early stage metabolic syndrome have normal coronary collateral development in response to chronic ischemia. Basic Res Cardiol 2012; 107: 1-11.
- Stoeckius M, Erat A, Fujikawa T, Hiromura M, Koulova A, Otterbein L, Bianchi C, Tobiasch E, Sellke FW, Usheva A. Essential roles of Raf/ERK/MAPK pathway and Ca2+ influx in the growth arrest of human vascular smooth muscle cells by bilirubin. J Biol Chem 2012 May 4;287(19):15418-26
- Chu LM, Lassaletta AD, Robich MP, Liu Y, Burgess T, Laham RJ, Sweeney JD, Shen T-L, Sellke FW. Effects of red wine and vodka on collateral-dependent perfusion and cardiovascular function in hypercholesterolemic swine. Circulation 2012 Sep 11;126(11 Suppl 1):S65-72
- Feng J, Chu LM, Dobrilovic N, Liu Y, Fingleton JG, Singh A, Sellke FW. Changes in coronary microvascular reactivity after cardioplegic arrest in patients with uncontrolled vs controlled diabetes. Surgery 2012 Aug;152(2):262-9
- Ashley E, Hershberger RE, Caleshu C, Ellinor PT, Garcia JGN, Herrington D, Ho C, Johnson JA, Kittner S, MacRae CA, Mudd G, Rader DJ, Roden D, Scholes D, Sellke FW, Towbin J, VanEyk J, Worrall BB. Genetics and cardiovascular disease. Circulation 2012; 126: 142-157.
- Elmadhum NY, Lassaletta AD, Chu LM, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Vodka and wine consumption in a swine model of metabolic syndrome alters insulin signaling pathways in the liver and skeletal muscle. Surgery 2012 Sep;152(3):414-22
- Lassaletta AD, Chu LM, Elmadhun NY, Burgess TA, Feng J, Robich MP, Sellke FW. Cardioprotective effects of red wine and vodka in a model of endothelial dysfunction. J Surg Res 2012 Dec;178(2):586-92
- Feng J, Liu Y, Chu LM, Dobrilovic N, Singh AK, Fingleton JG, Clements RT, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Changes in microvascular reactivity after cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with poorly controlled versus controlled diabetes. Circulation 2012 Sep 11;126(11 Suppl 1):S73-80.
- Lassaletta AD, Chu LM, Elmadhun NY, Robich MP, Hoffman ZG, Kim DJ, Sellke FW. Mechanism for reduced pericardial adhesion formation in hypercholesterolemic swine supplemented with alcohol. European J Cardiothorac Surg 2013 May;43(5):1058-64
- Matyal R, Chu L, Robich MP, Mahmood F, Wang A, Hess PE, Shahul S, Pinto DS, Khabbaz K, Sellke FW. Neuropeptide Y improves myocardial perfusion and function in a swine model of hypercholesterolemia and chronic myocardial ischemia. J Mol Cell Cardiol 2012: 53: 891-898
- Elmadhun NY, Lassaletta AD, Chu LM, Sellke FW. Metformin Alters The Insulin Signaling Pathway In Ischemic Cardiac Tissue In A Swine Model Of Metabolic Syndrome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013 Jan;145(1):258-65; discussion 265-6.
- Berridge BR, Hoffmann P, Turk J, Sellke F, Gintant G, HirkalerG, Dreher K, Schultze AE, Walker D, Edmunds N, Halpern W, Falls J, Sanders M, Pettit S. Integrated Nonclinical In Vivo Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: Gaps and Opportunities. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 2012 Oct 5: S0273-2300(12)00186-9
- Mozaffarian D, Marchioli R, Macchia A, Silletta MG, Ferrazzi P, Gardner TJ, Latini R, Libby P, Lombardi F, O'Gara PT, Page RL, Tavazzi L, Tognoni G; OPERA Investigators (Sellke FW). Fish oil and postoperative atrial fibrillation: the Omega-3 acid for prevention of post-operative atrial fibrillation (OPERA) randomized trial. JAMA. 2012 Nov 21;308(19):2001-11
- Sabe AA, Elmadhun NY, Robich MP, Dalai RS, Sellke FW. Does resveratrol improve insulin signaling in chronically ischemic myocardium? J Surg Res 2013;183(2):531-6
- Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, Demets D, Guyton RA, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK. Management of patients with peripheral artery disease (complication of 2005 and 2011 ACCF/AHA guideline recommendations): A report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/ American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2013; 127: 1425-43
- Feng J, Liu Y, Dobrilovic N, Singh A, Chu L, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Altered Apoptosis-Related Signaling after Cardioplegic Arrest in Patients with Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes. Circulation 2013 Sep 10;128(26 Suppl 1):S144-51
- Elmadhun NY, Lassaletta AD, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Vodka and wine consumption in a swine model of metabolic syndrome alters insulin signaling pathways in myocardium. Surgery 2013 Aug;154(2):320-7
- Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, Demets D, Guyton RA, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK. Management of patients with atrial fibrillation (Compilation of 2006 ACCF/AHA/ESC and 2011 ACCF/AHA/HRS recommendations): A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2013; 127: 1916-26
- Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, Demets D, Guyton RA, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK. Management of patients with atrial fibrillation (Compilation of 2006 ACCF/AHA/ESC and 2011 ACCF/AHA/HRS recommendations): A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2013; 61: 1935-44
- Lassaletta AD, Elmadhun NY, Liu Yuhong, Feng J, Burgess TA, Karlson NW, Laham RJ, Sellke FW. Ethanol promotes arteriogenesis and restores perfusion to chronically ischemic myocardium. Circulation 2013 Sep 10;128(26 Suppl 1):S136-43
- Feng J, Liu Y, Dobrilovic N, Singh AK, Sabe AA, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Altered expression and activation of mitotgen-activated protein kinases in diabetic heart during cardioplegic arrest and cardiopulmonary bypass. Surgery 2013 Sep;154(3):436-43.
- Kartouti K, von Heymann C, Jespersen CM, Korte W, Levy JH, Ranucci M, Sellke FW, Song HK. Efficacy and safety of recombinant factor XIII on reducing blood transfusions in cardiac surgery: A randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical trial. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013 Sep 3;128(10):1139-69.
- Elmadhun NY, Sabe A, Robich MP, Chu L, Lassaletta A, Sellke FW. Pig as a Valuable Model for Testing the Effect of Resveratrol to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2013; 1290: 130-5
- Shafique E, Choy WC, Liu Y, Feng J, Lyra A, Arafah M, Yassin-Kassab AM, Zanetti AVD, Bianchi C, Benjamin LE, Sellke FW, Abid R. Oxidative stress improves coronary endothelial function through activation of the pro-survival kinase AMPK. Aging. 2013 Jul;5(7):515-30
- Sabe AA, Elmadhun NY, Dalal RS, Robich MP, Sellke FW. Resveratrol regulates autophagy signaling in chronically ischemic myocardium. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014; 147: 792-798
- Shuhaiber JH, Fava JL, Shin T, Dobrilovic N, Ehsan A, Bert A, Sellke F. The influence of seasons and lunar cycle on hospital outcomes following ascending aortic dissection repair. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2013; 17: 818-822
- Matyal R, Hess P, Khabbaz K, Angel A, Robich M, Sellke FW, Mahmood F. Local infiltration of NPY as a potential therapeutic agent against apoptosis and fibrosis in a swine model of hypercholesterolemia and chronic myocardial ischemia. European J Pharmacology 2013; 15: 718: 261-70
- Wahr JA, Prager RL, Abernathy JH 3rd, Martinez EA, Salas E, Seifert PC, Groom RC, Spiess BD, Searles BE, Sundt TM 3rd, Sanchez JA, Shappell SA, Culig MH, Lazzara EH, Fitzgerald DC, Thourani VH, Eghtesady P, Ikonomidis JS, England MR, Sellke FW, Nussmeier NA; on behalf of the American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia, Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing, and Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research. Patient safety in the cardiac operating room: human factors and teamwork: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2013: published online before print August 5, 2013
- Lassaletta AD, Elmadhun NY, Zanetti AVD, Feng J, Anduaga J, Gohh R, Sellke FW, Bianchi C. Rapamycin treatment of healthy pigs subjected to acute myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury attenuates cardiac functions and increases myocardial necrosis. Ann Thorac Surg 2014; 97: 901-907
- Tice J, Sellke FW, Schaff H. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement In Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis Who Are At High Risk For Surgical Complications: Summary Assessment of the California Technology Assessment Forum. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014; 148: 482-491.
- Fujikawa T, Koulova A, Lange M, Elmadhun NY, Lassaletta AD, Bianchi C, Sellke FW, Usheva A. Arterial-territory specific cell cycle regulation promotes differences in the vascular smooth muscle cell response to mitogenic stimuli. Cell Cycle 2014; 13: 315-323
- Lassaletta AD, Elmadhun NY, Burgess T, Bianchi C, Sabe A, Robich MP, Chu L, Sellke FW. Microvascular notch signaling is upregulated in response to vascular endothelial cell growth factor and chronic myocardial ischemia. Circulation Journal 2014; 78: 743-751
- Dyke C, Aronson S, Dietrich W, Hoffman A, Karkouti K, Levi M, Murphy GJ, Sellke FW, Shore-Lesserson, von Heymann C, Ranucci M. Universal definition of perioperative bleeding in adult cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Surg 2014 May;147(5):1458-1463
- Elmadhun NY, Sabe AA, Lassaletta AD, Sellke FW. Alcohol comsumption mitigates apoptosis and mTOR signaling in myocardium. J Am Col Surg 2014; 218: 1175-81.
- Song HK, von Heymann C, Jesperson CM, Kartouti K, Korte W, Levy JH, Ranucci M, Sangstrup T, Sellke FW. Safe application of a restrictive transfusion protocol in moderate risk cardiac surgery patients. Ann Thorac Surg 2014 May;97(5):1630-5
- Acker MA, Parides MK, Perrault LP, Moskowitz AJ, Gelijns AC, Voisine P, Smith PK, Hung JW, Blackstone EH, Puskas JD, Argenziano M, Gammie JS, Mack M, Ascheim DD, Bagiella E, Moquete EG, Ferguson TB, Horvath KA, Geller NL, Miller MA, Woo YJ, D'Alessandro DA, Ailawadi G, Dagenais F, Gardner TJ, O'Gara PT, Michler RE, Kron IL; CTSN. Collaborators (Sellke FW). Mitral valve repair versus replacement for severe ischemic mitral regurgitation. N Engl J Med. 2014 Jan 2;370(1):23-32
- Zheng X, Wang Y, Lan Z, Lyu Y, Feng G, Zhang Y, Tagusari S, Kislauskis E, Robich MP, McCarthy S, Sellke FW, Laham R, Jiang X, Gu WW, Wu T. Improved biocompatibility of poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid)orv and poly-L-lactic acid blended with nanoparticulate amorophous calcium phosphate in vascular stent applications.
J Biomed Nanotechnol. 2014 Jun;10(6):900-10.
335. Elmadhun NY, Sabe AA, Lassaletta AD. Chu LM, Sellke FW. Metformin mitigates apoptosis in ischemic myocardium. J Surg Res 2014; 192: 50-58
336. Elmadhun NY, Sabe AA, Lassaletta AD, Chu LM, Kondra K, Sturek M, Sellke FW. Metabolic Syndrome Impairs Notch Signaling and Promotes Apoptosis in Chronically Ischemic Myocardium. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014; 148: 1048-55
- Elmadhun NY, Sabe AA, Lassaletta AD, Sellke FW. Ethanol Promotes New Vessel Growth in Remote Non-Ischemic Myocardium. J Surg Res 2015; 193: 536-542
- Matyal R, Sakamuri S, Huang T, Owais K, Parikh S, Khabbaz K, Wang A, Sellke FW, Mahmood F. Altered oxidative stress and nerve function after cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with poorly controlled type II diabetes vs well controlled and non-diabetes. Ann Thorac Surg 2014 Nov;98(5):1635-43; discussion 1643-4.
- Sabe A, Sadek A, Elmadhun N, Dalal R, Robich M, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Investigating the Effects of Resveratrol on Chronically Ischemic Myocardium in a Swine Model of Metabolic Syndrome: A Proteomics Analysis. Journal of Medicinal Food 2015 Jan;18(1):60-6
- Nishimura RA, Otto CM, Bonow RO, Carabello BA, Erwin JP 3rd, Guyton RA, O'Gara PT, Ruiz CE, Skubas NJ, Sorajja P, Sundt TM 3rd, Thomas JD, Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Creager MA, Curtis LH, DeMets D, Guyton RA, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK, Stevenson WG, Yancy CW. 2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2014 Jul;148(1):e1-e132
341. Anderson JL, Heidenreich PA, Barnett PG, Creager MA, Fonarow GC, Gibbons RJ, Halperin JL, Hlatky MA, Jacobs AK, Mark DB, Masoudi FA, Peterson ED, Shaw LJ; ACC/AHA Task Force on Performance Measures; ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines. ACC/AHA statement on cost/value methodology in clinical practice guidelines and performance measures: A report of the American College of Cardioology/American Heart Association Task Force on Performance Measures and Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Sellke FW). . 2014 Jun 3;129(22):2329-45
342. Cordeiro B, Shinn C, Sellke FW, Clements RT. Rottlerin-induced BKCa channel activation impairs specific contractile responses and promotes vasodilation. Ann Thorac Surg 2015 Feb;99(2):626-34
343. Nishimura RA, Otto CM, Bonow RO, Carabello BA, Erwin JP 3rd, Guyton RA, O'Gara PT, Ruiz CE, Skubas NJ, Sorajja P, Sundt TM 3rd, Thomas JD; ACC/AHA Task Force Members. 2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Sellke FW). . 2014 Jun 10;129(23):e521-643.
344. Nishimura RA, Otto CM, Bonow RO, Carabello BA, Erwin JP 3rd, Guyton RA, O'Gara PT, Ruiz CE, Skubas NJ, Sorajja P, Sundt TM 3rd, Thomas JD; ACC/AHA Task Force Members. 2014 AHA/ACC Guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Sellke FW). . 2014 Jun 10;129(23):2440-92
345. Goff DC Jr, Lloyd-Jones DM, Bennett G, Coady S, D'Agostino RB, Gibbons R, Greenland P, Lackland DT, Levy D, O'Donnell CJ, Robinson JG, Schwartz JS, Shero ST, Smith SC Jr, Sorlie P, Stone NJ, Wilson PW, Jordan HS, Nevo L, Wnek J, Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, DeMets D, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK, Smith SC Jr, Tomaselli GF. 2013 ACC/AHA guideline on the assessment of cardiovascular risk: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. . 2014 Jun 24;129(25 Suppl 2):S49-73
346. Jensen MD, Ryan DH, Apovian CM, Ard JD, Comuzzie AG, Donato KA, Hu FB, Hubbard VS, Jakicic JM, Kushner RF, Loria CM, Millen BE, Nonas CA, Pi-Sunyer FX, Stevens J, Stevens VJ, Wadden TA, Wolfe BM, Yanovski SZ, Jordan HS, Kendall KA, Lux LJ, Mentor-Marcel R, Morgan LC, Trisolini MG, Wnek J, Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, DeMets D, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK, Smith SC Jr, Tomaselli GF. 2013 AHA/ACC/TOS guideline for the management of overweight and obesity in adults: A report of the Amican College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and The Obesity Society. . 2014 Jun 24;129(25 Suppl 2):S102-38
347.Stone NJ, Robinson JG, Lichtenstein AH, Bairey Merz CN, Blum CB, Eckel RH, Goldberg AC, Gordon D, Levy D, Lloyd-Jones DM, McBride P, Schwartz JS, Shero ST, Smith SC Jr, Watson K, Wilson PW, Eddleman KM, Jarrett NM, LaBresh K, Nevo L, Wnek J, Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, DeMets D, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK, Smith SC Jr, Tomaselli GF. 2013 ACC/AHA guideline on the treatment of blood cholesterol to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk in adults. A report of the Amican College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines: Circulation. 2014 Jun 24;129(25 Suppl 2):S1-45.
348. Eckel RH, Jakicic JM, Ard JD, de Jesus JM, Houston Miller N, Hubbard VS, Lee IM, Lichtenstein AH, Loria CM, Millen BE, Nonas CA, Sacks FM, Smith SC Jr, Svetkey LP, Wadden TA, Yanovski SZ, Kendall KA, Morgan LC, Trisolini MG, Velasco G, Wnek J, Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, DeMets D, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK, Smith SC Jr, Tomaselli GF. 2013 ACC/AHA guideline on lifestyle management to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk in adults. A report of the Amican College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2014 Jun 24;129(25 Suppl 2):S76-99.
349. Sabe AA, Dalal RS, Chu LM, Elmadhun NY, Ramlawi B, Bianchi C, Sellke FW. Preoperative gene expression may be associated with neurocognitive decline after cardiopulmonary bypass. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015 Feb;149(2):613-23
350. Sabe AA, Elmadhun NY, Sellke FW. Atorvastatin Regulates Apoptosis in Chronically Ischemic Myocardium. J Cardiac Surgery 2015 Feb;30(2):218-23
351. Jacobs AK, Anderson JL, Halperin JL; ACC/AHA TASK FORCE MEMBERS, Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, DeMets D, Fleisher LA, Gidding S, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK, Wijeysundera DN. The evolution and future of ACC/AHA clinical practice guidelines: a 30-year journey: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines. Circulation. 2014 Sep 30;130(14):1208-17
352. Amsterdam EA, Wenger NK, Brindis RG, Casey DE Jr, Ganiats TG, Holmes DR Jr, Jaffe AS, Jneid H, Kelly RF, Kontos MC, Levine GN, Liebson PR, Mukherjee D, Peterson ED, Sabatine MS, Smalling RW, Zieman SJ; ACC/AHA Task Force Members (Sellke FW). 2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the management of patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2014 Dec 23;130(25):2354-94.
353. Masson S, Wu JH, Simon C, Barlera S, Marchioli R, Mariani J, Macchia A, Lombardi F, Vago T, Aleksova A, Dreas L, Favaloro RR, Hershson AR, Puskas JD, Dozza L, Silletta MG, Tognoni G, Mozaffarian D, Latini R; OPERA Investigators (Sellke FW). Circulating cardiac biomarkers and postoperative atrial fibrillation in the OPERA trial. Eur J Clin Invest. 2015 Feb;45(2):170-178
354. Amsterdam EA, Wenger NK, Brindis RG, Casey DE Jr, Ganiats TG, Holmes DR Jr, Jaffe AS, Jneid H, Kelly RF, Kontos MC, Levine GN, Liebson PR, Mukherjee D, Peterson ED, Sabatine MS, Smalling RW, Zieman SJ; ACC/AHA Task Force Members (Sellke FW). 2014 AHA/ACC guideline for the management of patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines Guidelines. Circulation. 2014 Dec 23;130(25):e344-426
355. Kulik A, Ruel M, Jneid H, Ferguson TB, Hiratzka LF, Ikonomidis JS, Lopez-Jimenez F, McNallan SM, Patel M, Roger VL, Sellke FW, Sica DA, Zimmerman L; on behalf of the American Heart Association Council on Cardiovascular Surgery and Anesthesia. Secondary Prevention After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2015 Mar 10;131(10):927-64
356. Fihn SD, Blankenship JC, Alexander KP, Bittl JA, Byrne JG, Fletcher BJ, Fonarow GC, Lange RA, Levine GN, Maddox TM, Naidu SS, Ohman EM, Smith PK; ACC/AHA Task Force Members, Anderson JL, Halperin JL, Albert NM, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Curtis LH, DeMets D, Guyton RA, Hochman JS, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK. 2014 ACC/ AHA/AATS/PCNA/SCAI/STS focused update of the guideline for the diagnosis and management of patients with stable ischemic heart disease: A report report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines, and the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and Society of Thoracic Surgeons. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Mar;149(3):e5-e23.
357. Gillinov AM, Gelijns AC, Parides MK, DeRose JJ Jr, Moskowitz AJ, Voisine P, Ailawadi G, Bouchard D, Smith PK, Mack MJ, Acker MA, Mullen JC, Rose EA, Chang HL, Puskas JD, Couderc JP, Gardner TJ, Varghese R, Horvath KA, Bolling SF, Michler RE, Geller NL, Ascheim DD, Miller MA, Bagiella E, Moquete EG, Williams P, Taddei-Peters WC, O'Gara PT, Blackstone EH, Argenziano M; CTSN Investigators (Sellke FW). Surgical ablation of atrial fibrillation during mitral-valve surgery. N Engl J Med. 2015 Apr 9;372(15):1399-409
358. Smith PK, Puskas JD, Ascheim DD, Voisine P, Gelijns AC, Moskowitz AJ, Hung JW, Parides MK, Ailawadi G, Perrault LP, Acker MA, Argenziano M, Thourani V, Gammie JS, Miller MA, Pagé P, Overbey JR, Bagiella E, Dagenais F, Blackstone EH, Kron IL, Goldstein DJ, Rose EA, Moquete EG, Jeffries N, Gardner TJ, O'Gara PT, Alexander JH, Michler RE; Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network Investigators (Sellke FW). Surgical Treatment of Moderate Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation.
N Engl J Med. 2014 Dec 4;371(23):2178-88
359. Wu J, Marchioli R, Giuseppina Silletta M, Masson S, Sellke F, Libby P, Milne G, Brown N, Lombardi F, Damiano R, Marsala J, Rinaldi M, Domenech A, Simon C, Tavazzi L, Mozaffarian D. Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Incidence of Post-Operative Atrial Fibrillation in the OPERA Trial. Journal of the American Heart Association 2015 May 20;4(5). pii: e001886. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.115.001886.
360. Feng J, Liu Y, Sabe AA, Sadek AA, Singh AK, Sodha NR, Sellke FW. Differential impairment of adheren-junction expression / phosphorylation after cardioplegia in diabetic versus non-diabetic patients. European J Cardiothoracic Surg in press
361. Elmadhun NY, Sadek AA, Sabe AA, Lassaletta AD, Sellke FW. Alcohol and the Heart: A Proteomics Analysis of Pericardium and Myocardium in a Swine Model of Myocardial Ischemia. Ann Thorac Surg 2015 Nov;100(5):1627-35
362. Owais K, Huang T, Mahmood F, Hubbard J, Saraf R, Bardia A, Khabbaz K, Li Y, Bhasin M, Sabe A, Sellke F, Matyal R. Cardiopulmonary Bypass Decreases Activation of STAT3 Pathway in Diabetic Human Myocardium, Ann Thorac Surg 2015 Nov;100(5):1636-45
363. Pollack CV, Reilly PA, Eikelboom J, Glund S, Verhamme P, Berstein R, Dubeil R, Huisman MV, Hylek E, Kamphuisen PW, Kreuzer J, Levy JH, Sellke F, Stangler J, Steiner J, Wang B, Kam C-W, Weitz JI. Idarucizumab for dabigatran reversal. New England Journal of Medicine. 2015 Aug 6;373(6):511-20
364. Pollack CV, Reilly PA, Berstein R, Dubeil R, Eikelboom J, Glund S, Huisman MV, Hylek E, Kam C-W, Kamphuisen PW, Kreuzer J, Levy JH, Sellke F, Stangler J, Steiner J, Wang B, Weitz JI. Design and Rationale for RE-VERSE AD: A Phase III Study of Idarucizumab, a Specific Reversal Agent for Dabigatran. Thromb Haemost. 2015 May 28;114(1).
365. Potz BA, Sabe AA, Elmadhun NY, Feng J, Liu Y, Mitchell H, Quesenberry P, Abid MR, Sellke FW. Calpain inhibition decreases myocardial apoptosis in a swine model of chronic myocardial ischemia. Surgery 2015 Aug;158(2):445-52
366. Kron IL, Hung J, Overbey JR, Bouchard D, Gelijns AC, Moskowitz AJ, Voisine P, O'Gara PT, Argenziano M, Michler RE, Gillinov M, Puskas JD, Gammie JS, Mack MJ, Smith PK, Sai-Sudhakar C, Gardner TJ, Ailawadi G, Zeng X, O'Sullivan K, Parides MK, Swayze R, Thourani V, Rose EA, Perrault LP, Acker MA; CTSN Investigators (Sellke FW). Predicting recurrent mitral regurgitation after mitral valve repair for severe mitral regurgitation. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Mar;149(3):752-61
367. Feng J, Cohn WE, Parnis SM, Sodha NR, Clements RT, Sellke N , Frazier OH, Sellke FW. New Continuous-Flow Total Artificial Heart and Vascular Permeability. Journal of Surgical Research 2015 Dec;199(2):296-305
368. Liu Y, Xie A, Singh AK, Ehsan A, Chourdhary G, Dudley S, Sellke FW, Feng J. Inactivation of endothelial SKCa/IKCa contributes to coronary arteriolar dysfunction in diabetic patients. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2015 Aug 24;4(8):e002062
369. Sabe AA, Potz BA, Elmadhun NY, Liu Y, Feng J, Abid MR, Abbott JD, Senger D, Sellke FW. Calpain inhibition improves collateral dependent perfusion in a hypercholesterolemic swine model of chronic myocardial ischemia. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2016 Jan;151(1):245-52
370. Dalal RS, Sabe AA, Elmadhun NY, Ramlawi B, Sellke FW. Atrial fibrillation, neurocognitive decline and gene expression after cardiopulmonary bypass. Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2015 Oct;30(5):520-532
371. Potz BA, Sabe AA, Abid MR, Sellke FW. Calpain and coronary artery disease. Circulation Journal. 2015 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print], 2015 Dec 25;80(1):4-10
372. Goldstein D, Moskowitz AJ, Gelijns AC, Ailawadi G, Parides MK, Perrault LP, Hung JW, Voisine P, Dagenais F, Gillinov AM, Thourani V, Argenziano M, Gammie JS, Mack M, Demers P, Atluri P, Rose EA, O'Sullivan K, Williams DL, Bagiella E, Michler RE, Weisel RD, Miller MA, Geller NL, Taddei-Peters WC, Smith PK, Moquete E, Overbey JR, Kron IL, O'Gara PT, Acker MA; CTSN (Sellke FW). Two-year outcomes of surgical treatment of severe ischemic mitral regurgitation. N Engl J Med. N Engl J Med. 2016 Jan 28;374(4):344-53
373. Saraf R, Huang T, Mahmood F, Owais K, Bardia A, Khabbaz KR, Liu D, Senthilnathan V, Lassaletta AD, Sellke F, Matyal. Early cellular changes in the ascending aorta and myocardium in a swine model of metabolic syndrome. PLOS One. 2016 Jan 14;11(1):e0146481
374. Hiratzka LF, Creager MA, Isselbacher EM, Svensson LG, Nishimura RA, Bonow RO, Guyton RA, Sundt TM 3rd;, Halperin JL, Levine GN, Anderson JL, Albert NM, Al-Khatib SM, Birtcher KK, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Cigarroa JE, Curtis LH, Fleisher LA, Gentile F, Gidding S, Hlatky MA, Ikonomidis J, Joglar J, Kovacs RJ, Ohman EM, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK, Wijeysundera DN. Surgery for aortic dilatation in patients with bicuspid aortic valves: A statement of clarification from the American College of Cardiology/ American Heart Association Taskforce on Clinical Pracice Guidelines. 2010. Circulation. 2016 Feb 16;133(7):680-6
375. Potz BA, Lawandy IJ, Clements RT, Sellke FW. Alcohol modulates autophagy and apoptosis in pig liver tissue. J Surg Res 2016; 203: 154-162
376. Potz BA, Sellke FW, Abid MR. Endothelial ROS and impaired myocardial oxygen consumption in sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction. J Intensive Crit Care. 2016;2(1). pii: 20. Epub 2016 Feb 29.
377. Endorsed by the Latin American Society of Interventional Cardiology; PCI WRITING COMMITTEE, Levine GN, Bates ER, Blankenship JC, Bailey SR, Bittl JA, Cercek B, Chambers CE, Ellis SG, Guyton RA, Hollenberg SM, Khot UN, Lange RA, Mauri L, Mehran R, Moussa ID, Mukherjee D, Ting HH; STEMI WRITING COMMITTEE, O'Gara PT, Kushner FG, Ascheim DD, Brindis RG, Casey DE Jr, Chung MK, de Lemos JA, Diercks DB, Fang JC, Franklin BA, Granger CB, Krumholz HM, Linderbaum JA, Morrow DA, Kristin Newby L, Ornato JP, Ou N, Radford MJ, Tamis-Holland JE, Tommaso CL, Tracy CM, Joseph Woo Y, Zhao DX; ACC/AHA TASK FORCE MEMBERS, Halperin JL, Levine GN, Anderson JL, Albert NM, Al-Khatib SM, Birtcher KK, Bozkurt B, Brindis RG, Cigarroa JE, Curtis LH, Fleisher LA, Gentile F, Gidding S, Hlatky MA, Ikonomidis J, Joglar J, Kovacs RJ, Magnus Ohman E, Pressler SJ, Sellke FW, Shen WK, Wijeysundera DN. 2015 ACC/AHA/SCAI focused update on primary percutaneous coronary intervention for patients with ST-elevation myocardial Infarction: An update of the 2011 ACCF/AHA/SCAI guideline for percutaneous coronary intervention and the 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of ST-elevation myocardial infarction: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2016 May;87(6):1001-19
378. Gillinov AM, Bagiella E, Moskowitz AJ, Raiten JM, Groh MA, Bowdish ME, Ailawadi G, Kirkwood KA, Perrault LP, Parides MK, Smith RL 2nd, Kern JA, Dussault G, Hackmann AE, Jeffries NO, Miller MA, Taddei-Peters WC, Rose EA, Weisel RD, Williams DL, Mangusan RF, Argenziano M, Moquete EG, O'Sullivan KL, Pellerin M, Shah KJ, Gammie JS, Mayer ML, Voisine P, Gelijns AC, O'Gara PT, Mack MJ; CTSN (Sellke FW). Rate control versis rhythm control for atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery. N Engl J Med. 2016 May 19;374(20):1911-21.
379. Michler RE, Smith PK, Parides MK, Ailawadi G, Thourani V, Moskowitz AJ, Acker MA, Hung JW, Chang HL, Perrault LP, Gillinov AM, Argenziano M, Bagiella E, Overbey JR, Moquete EG, Gupta LN, Miller MA, Taddei-Peters WC, Jeffries N, Weisel RD, Rose EA, Gammie JS, DeRose JJ Jr, Puskas JD, Dagenais F, Burks SG, El-Hamamsy I, Milano CA, Atluri P, Voisine P, O'Gara PT, Gelijns AC; CTSN (Sellke FW). Two-year outcomes of surgical treatment of moderate ischemic mitral regurgitation. N Engl J Med. 2016 May 19;374(20):1932-41.
380. Elmadhun NY, Sabe AA, Lassaletta AD, Chu LM, Dalal R, Sturek M, Sellke FW. Metformin and metabolic syndrome attenuate autophagy in myocardium. Annals of Clinical and Experimental MetabolismAnnals of Clinical and Experimental Metabolism. 2016 In press
381. Potz BA, Sabe AA, Elmadhun NY, Clements RT, Robich MP, Sodha NR, Sellke FW. Glycogen synthase kinase 3beta inhibition improves myocardial angiogenesis and perfusion in a swine model of metabolic syndrome. Journal of the American Heart Association 2016; 5(7): e003694
382. Feng J, Liu Y, Singh AK, Ehsan A, Sellke N, Liang J, Sellke FW. The effects of diabetes and cardiopulmonary bypass on expression of adherens-junction-protein in human peripheral tissue. Surgery 2017; 161: 823-829
383. Potz BA, Sabe AA, Elmadhun NY, Sabe SA, Braun BJV, Clements RT, Usheva A, Sellke FW. Calpain inhibition decreases inflammatory protein expression in vessel walls in a model of chronic myocardial ischemia. Surgery 2017; 161: 1394-1404
384. Feng J, Anderson K, Singh AK, Ehsan A, Mitchell H, Liu Y, Sellke FW. Diabetic upregulation of COX-2 contributes to altered coronary reactivity of right atrial arterioles after on-pump CABG surgery. Annals Thorac Surg 2017; 104: 568-576
385. Potz BA, Sabe AA, Elmadhun NY, Clements RT, Abid MR, Sodha NR, Sellke FW. Calpain inhibition modulates GSK-3beta pathways in ischemic myocardium: A proteomic and mechanistic analysis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2017; 153: 342-357
386. Elmadhun NY, Sabe AA, Lassaletta LD, Dalal RS, Sellke FW. Differential effects of alcohol on postoperative adhesion formation in myocardium and pericardium. Ann Thorac Surg 2017; 104: 545-552
387. Shafique E. Torina A, Reichert K, Colantuono B, Nur N, Zeeshan K, Ravichandran V, Liu Y, Feng J, Zeeshan K, Benjamin LE, Irani K, Harrington EO, Sellke FW, Abid MR. Mitochondrial redox plays a critical role in the paradoxical effects of NAPDH oxidase derived ROS on coronary endothelium. Cardiovascular Research 2017; 113: 234-246
388. Pollack CV, Bernstein R, Dubiel R, Reilly P, Gruenenfelder F, Huisman MV, Kam C-W, Kleine E, Levy JH, Sellke FW, Steiner T, Ustyugova A, Weitz JI. Healthcare resource utilization in patients receiving idarucizumab for reserval of dabigatran anticoagulation due to major bleeding, urgent surgery, or procedural interventions: interim results from the RE-VERSE AD study. Journal of Medical Economics 2017; 20: 435-442
389. Smits NC, Kobayashi T, Srivastava PK, Skopelja S, Ivy JA, Elwood DJ, Stan RV, Tsongalis GJ, Sellke FW, Gross PL, Cole MD, DeVries JT, Kaplan AV, Robb JF, Shworak NW. HS3ST1 regulates antithrombin anti-inflammatory activity and associates with atherosclerosis. Matrix Biology 2017 Nov; 63:69-90-1
390. Hosseini S, Samiei N, Sadeghpour A, Peighambari MM, Rezaei Y, Mestres C, Sellke FW. Massive left atrial calcification: Case report and review of the literature. General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2017 Nov;65(11):653-656
391. Elmadun NY, Sabe AA, Lassaletta AD, Chu LM, Sellke FW. Alcohol alters the insulin signaling pathway in ischemic myocardium. J Res Diabetes Metab. 2017;3(1): 001-007
392. Sardar MR, Khan ZA, Abraham A, Saeed W, Farhan M, Kolte D, Sharaf B, Gordon P Sellke F, Sodha N, Aronow H, Ehsan A. Management and possible risk factors for ventricular septal defects after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: Case series from a single center and review of the literature. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine. 2017 Sep;18(6):462-470
393. Jedanalthan J, Rabya S, Mahmood F, Pal A, Bhasin M, Huang T, Mittel A, Knio Z, Simons R, Khabbaz K, Venkatachalam S, Liu D, Sellke F, Matyal R. Mitochondrial dysfunction in atrial tissue of patients developing post-operative atrial fibrillation. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2017 Nov;104(5):1547-1555
394. Scrimgeour LA, Potz BA, Elmadhun NY, Chu LM, Sellke FW. Alcohol attenuates myocardial in ischemic injury. Surgery 2017 Sep;162(3):680-687
395. Feng J, Anderson K, Liu Y, Singh A, Ehsan A, Sellke FW. COX-2 contributes to bradykinin-induced microvascular responses in peripheral arterioles after CPB. J Surg Res. 2017 Oct; 218:246-252
396. Potz BA, Parulkar AB, Abid RM, Sodha NR, Sellke FW. Novel molecular targets for coronary angiogenesis and ischemic heart disease. Coron Artery Dis. 2017 Jul 3
397. Pollack CV, Reilly PA, van Ryn J, Eikelboom JW, Glund S, Bernstein RA, Dubiel R, Huisman MV, Hylek EM, Kam C-W, Kamphuisen PW, Kreuzer J, Levy, JH, Royle G, Sellke FW, Stangier J, Steiner T, Verhamme P, Wang B, Young L, Weitz JI. Idarucizumab for Dabigatran Reversal: Final Analysis. New England Journal of Medicine 2017; 377: 431- 441
398. Akintoye E, Sellke F, Marchioli R, Tavazzi L, Mozaffarian D. Factors associated with postoperative atrial fibrillation and other adverse events after cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg in press
399. Sellke FW. Bilateral vs Single Internal Mammary Artery Bypass Grafting – Do we have the answer? Editorial. Circulation
400. Sellke FW. When in doubt, look to see what works in nature. Invited commentary. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg in press.
401. Rosengart TK, Patel V, Sellke FW. Cardiac stem cell trials and the new world of cellular reprogramming: Time to move on. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. In press
402. Eltorai AEM; Baird GL, Eltorai AS; Pangborn J, Antoci Jr V, Cullen HA, Paquette K, Connors K, Barbaria J, Smeals KJ, Agarwal S, Healey TT, Ventetuolo CE, Sellke FW,. Daniels AH. Incentive spirometry compliance: a national survey of provider perspectives. Respiratory Care in press
403. Eltorai AEM; Baird GL, Eltorai AS, Pangborn J , Antoci Jr V, Cullen HA, Paquette K, Kevin Connors K, Barbaria J, Smeals KJ, Agarwal S, Healey TT, Ventetuolo CE, Sellke FW, Daniels AH. Perspectives on incentive spirometry utility and patient protocols. Respiratory Care 2017
404. Goldsweig AM, Kennedy KF, Kolte D, Abbott JD, Gordon PC, Sharaf BL, Sellke FW, Ehsan A, Sodha NR, Aronow HD. Predictors of patient radiation dose-area product, dose, and fluoroscopy time during transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Catheterization and cardiovascular intervention. 2018 Oct 1;92(4):768-774
405. Gulack BC, Kirkwood KA, Shi W, Smith PK, Alexander JH, Burks SG, Gelijns AC, Thourani VH, Bell D, Greenberg A, Goldfarb SD, Mayer ML, Bowdish ME; Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network (CTSN, Sellke FW). Secondary surgical-site infection after coronary artery bypass grafting: A multi-institutional prospective cohort study. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2018 Apr;155(4):1555-1562
406. Liu Y, Cole V, Lawandy I, Ehsan A, Sellke FW, Feng J. Decreased coronary arteriolar response to KCa channel opener after cardioplegic arrest in diabetic patients. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2018 Aug;445(1-2):187-194
407. Potz BA, Scrimgeour LA, Sabe SA, Clements RT, Sodha NR, Sellke FW. Glycogen synthase 3 beta inhibition reduces mitochondrial oxidative stress in chronic myocardial ischemia. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2018 Jun;155(6):2492-2503
408. Sellke N, Gordon C, Liu Y, Lawandy I, Gorvitovskaia AY, Scrimgeour LA, Ehsan A, Sellke FW, Feng J. Impaired coronary contractile response to phenylephrine after cardioplegic arrest in patients with diabetes. J Surg Res 2018 Vol. 230, p80–86
409. Potz BA, Scrimgeour LA, Pavlov VI, Sodha NR, Abid MR, Sellke FW. Extracellular vesicle injection improves myocardial function and increases angiogenesis in a swine model of chronic ischemia. J American Heart Associaton. 2018 Jun 12;7(12). pii: e008344
410. Sellke N, Kuczmarski A, Lawandy I, Cole V, Ehsan A, Singh AK, Liu Y, Sellke FW, Feng J. Enhanced coronary arteriolar contraction to vasopressin in patients with diabetes after cardiac surgery. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg in press
411. Naeem S, Baird N, Sellke F, Ehsan A. Outcomes of packed red blood cells and platelet transfusion on aortic dissection patients after surgery. Journal of Surgical Research 2018; 232: 338-345.
412. Eltorai AEM, Baird GL, Pangborn J, Szabo AL; Antoci V, Agarwal S, Healey TT,Ventetuolo CE, Sellke FW, Hess DR, Elias JA. Daniels AH. Financial impact of incentive spirometry. Inquiry in press
413. Muehlschlegel JD, Burrage PS, Ngai JY, Prutkin JM, Huang C-C, Xu X, Chae SH, Bollen BA, Piccini JP, Schwann NA, Mahajan A, Ruel M, Body SC, Sellke FW.Matthew J, O’Brian BO. SCA/EACTA Atrial fibrillation advisory for the management of perioperative atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Anesthesia & Analgesia. In press
414. Kolte D,Goldsweig A, Kennedy KP, Abbott JD, Gordon PC, Sellke FW, Ehsan A, Sodha NR, Sharaf BL, Aronow HD. Incidence, Predictors, and Outcomes of Early Infective Endocarditis After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement versus Surgical Aortic Valve replacement in the United States. American Journal of Cardiology in press
415. Apostolidou E, Ehsan A, Beale CE, Kolte D, Kennedy KF, Sellke FW, Gordon PC, Sharaf B, Aronow HD. Association between red blood cell transfusion and 30-day readmission following transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Journal of Structural Heart Disease in press JJou
416. Apostolidow E, Ehsan A, Beale CE, Kolte D, Kennedy KF, Sellke FW. Gordon PC, Sharaf B, Aronow HD. Association between red blood cell transfusion and 30-day readmission following transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Ann Thoracic Surgery in press. Journal of Structural Heart Disease, in press