Assistant Professor of Health Services, Policy and Practice


Emily Gadbois, PhD, is a member of the Center for Gerontology and Healthcare Research at the Brown University School of Public Health. Dr. Gadbois is a health services researcher and gerontologist. The primary goal of her research is to examine older adult patients' experiences and associated health outcomes across settings of care. A main area of her research includes exploring experiences of older adults using long term services and supports, and particularly persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Additionally, a primary area of focus includes characterizing interorganizational relationships, examining the underlying mechanisms by which relationships among policies, organizational behavior, and patient outcomes are interrelated. She has led numerous research teams that have used rigorous qualitative approaches to gather perspectives of healthcare payers, providers, and recipients. Pre- and post-doctoral trainees and potential collaborators interested in working with Dr. Gadbois are encouraged to reach out.

Brown Affiliations

Research Areas